Bursitis of the Knee
Bursitis of the knee can result from actutc trauma or chronię overuse rcsulting in inflammation of eiłher the prepatallar or infrapatellar bursa.
Inflammation to (ho prepatellar bursa generally results from actutc trauma. Evaulation of (his bursa is generally indicated by cdema above the knee (superior to the patelia).
Inflammation to the infrapattelar bursa generally results from chronic ovcruse. Evaluation of (his bursa is generally indicated by edema belo w the interior pole of the patelia both medially and laterally.
The Kinesio ta ping techniquc for these bursa assist in reduction of edema and pain. During the first 24 to 72 hours ofan acute trauma to a bursa of the knee the primary goal is to iimit inflammation, the prepatellar bursa will be demonstrated.
Acute Phasc - 24 to 72 hours: Option One Application of the web cut strip, for complete review see space coirection technique.
Cut the Kinesio Strip into 4,5, or 6 strips. The Kinesio Tape is cut allowing for each end to remain uncut.
Begin by plaeing the patient in a mid-joint position. The web is applied by applying one base, n?move the web strips, and apply the second base. In itiate glue prior to any patient movement.
Repeat the above step for mediai and lateral space correction. The practitioner may determine that one, two or all three strips are appropriate.
Acute Pha.SC - 24 to 7? hmlrs: Opiton two Two lymphntic correction strips will be applied. For complcte rcvicw see lymphatic correction tech-nique.
Strip one bcgins bclow the medial condyle of the femur and ends superior and latcral to the patelia.
Strip two begins below the lateral condyle of the femur and ends superior and latcral to the patelia. The two strip should make a crisscross paltem.
An optional elastic compressive dressing may also be wom to reduce initial effusion.
Post-Acute Phase - Past 72 hours Application of a modified patelia tendonitis I strip techniaue. For complete review see patelia tendonitis I strip technique.
This strip is to act as a space correction technique to create space between the skin and bursae to allow for edema reduction. For complete review see space correction technique.
The Kinesio I strip is started over the tibial tuberos-ity with no tension and the patient in fuli knee extension. One hand holds the base to ensure no tension is added to the Kinesio strip.
Light tension, 15-25 % available tension, is applied to the Kinesio strip while the patient moves from extension into flexion. The Kinesio I strip is applied along the patelia ligament and over the patelia.
Move the hand holding tension on the tibial tuberosity to the superior aspect of the patelia, which was the end of tension point on Kinesio I strip.
Lay down the remaining approximately 2 inches of Kinesio Tex with no tension.
Activate glue prior to any additional movement by the patient.
Convolutions should be evident or to much tension was applied.