that I would throw away the thousands of offers I havc had to make morc money than I could usc. by showing my body, by sclling instruction to multt-millionaires. and turn. as I have. to the plain expcdient of putting my secrets into a small-priced little book so that all who nced the kind of help I havc to offer. may havc it, frecly given for the price of a song? 1 would. indeed. likc nothing better. if l were rich cnough to do so. to set no price at all upon this little volume, but to givc it frecly to all who asked. in the simplc knowledgc that it would. as I believe it is capablc of doing. tum human-ity from discasc and ill-bcing to abounding hcalth and happiness.
Yet you realizc. do you not. that anything which is too cheap to havc a price. is usually valued accordingly. In other words. if you got this information for nothing. the chances are you would place no value upon it. I have another reason for making this statement in just this way. My posturę secret is absurdly simple as Director Roloff has already told you. Four words would cxplain it. Evcn if you knew it. even if I printed thcsc four words upon slips of paper and passed them out frecly by millions. they would do few people any good. for the following rcasons.
It wouldn't cost much to tell you W HAT to do — it wouldn't cost much morc to tell you HOW to do it — but it will take every page of this book to tell you WHY to do it — and I doubt that I could fili an encydopedia with cnough words to make evervbody who reads it. actually DO IT. There you h.ivc my reason for the book and the preliminary cxplanations. No great truth was cvcr recognized to its full-est capacity until the man who uttered it was long sińce dead. and only then were monuments crccted in honor of his famę