Reuter 28*9*44 •
t Speaking of Poland Churchill sald that we the only great unconąuered nation who declared war on Germany on aooount of her oppreaalon of that country had aentimenta and dutlea towards Poland•
lerritorial changea on the frontier of Poland thare naiat be. Buaaia ha a a right to our support in t.ils matter. They are entitled to aafe frontlers and to have a frlendly nelghbour on their we8tem flank* He had ftkll hopea that the Pollah premier and hia ooleaguea would ahortly resume converaatlana in Moaoow.
"It ia my firn hope and belief that a goood arrangement will be aohieved and that a united Pollah govemment may be brought into being oaaoanding the oonfldence oh the three great pcmera and aasurlng to Poland oondltlon8 of atmgeht, aovereignty and independence whioh we have%all three proclaimed to be our reaolve*
"I have every hope that wiae and harmonluoua set tle; ,ents will be madę in oanfldenoe and amlty between the great powers and thua afford the*foundation on whioh to ralae a lasting atrućturę of european and world peaoe*
nI cannot oonceive that lt ia not posslble%to make a good eolutlon whereby Rueala geta the aeourlty ehe la entitmed to have - whioh I am reaolved we ahall do our utmoat to aecure for her - on her weat front and at the same tlme the P0liah nation had reatored to them that national soverelgnty and indepenóenoe for which across centuriea of oppreeslon and ■truggle they have never oeaaed to aglye"*
Ali the morę*do I trust that the doviet government will make it p08slble%for ua to aot unltedly wlth them in thia aaiifcti aolution of the P0liah problem and that we ahall not wltneaa the unhappy apeotacle of rival govemment8 in Poland* One mm reoognised by the Soviet Union and the other firmly adhered to by the western powers*