Wojciech Kaute
Michał llohrzynskPs synlhcsis of Ihc bisiory of Poland
M. Dobrzyński *s synlhcsis of the bisiory of Poland, from the linie of ils cnunciation in the scven-ties of the XIX century was and is undcrstood as a conccption of the annals of Polish history which is subjugated to the idea of the so-called „strong government”. It was not specified there, howcver, and is still not specified precisely what is (his „strong govcrnmcnt”. Assumed here was and is an intuitive un-derstanding of „strong govcmment” . It was taken to be, and is taken to l>e, ..govcrnmcnt” which is the opposite ot „weak” govemment.
The question of interpretation of the category of „strong government” in the conccpt of M. Dobrzyński is of significancc in Ihat the synlhcsis of the history of Poland is not just one of many historical elaborations but a synlhcsis in the serious sensc. It is csscntially a conccption of the Polish identity.
A synlhcsis of the history of Poland conslitutcs a fundanicntal dilcmma in Polish culture. In the first place ihc necd is to find an answer to the qucslion of the individuality of Poland and its history in confronlalion willi Europę, West and F.ast, and above all of the „individuality” of the Polish palli to modern limes, from the XVI, XVII centuries up to contemporary limes. Se-condly, the synlhcsis of the history of Poland is bound up willi the fact lliat from the outset of modern history in this culture has been found a critical assessment of the status quo in Poland. This synlhcsis, this or sonie olher diagnosis of this status quo, was and is at the same time a specific conccpt of the changes in this status quo.
A synlhcsis of the history of Poland was, bolh in the past and in contemporary times, eit-her „optimism” or ,f pessimism” . This affects the wholc of culture, and most of all historio-graphy as a science of the past.
A synlhcsis lliat is basie for Polish culture was fnrmulatcd by J. Lelewel. The principal category in his synthesis is the category of „lreedom”. In the conceptions of J. Lelewel the State in Poland is Ihc ,.govemmcnt by the community" („gminowladztwo”) - „the supremę power of Ihc people” („wszechwładzIwo ludu”). Ils foundation is the „spirit of citizenship” („duch obywatelski”). According to J. Lelewel, a stale cxisting in the West or the East in modern times does not givc „freedom”. J. LeleweTs synthesis of Polish history is ..oplimism”; in modern limes only the stale in Poland givcs .. freedom” . In his interpretation the „decline” of Poland, ta-king place as from the XVII century, was only the weakening of the model of a stale which in esscncc is good. Ilence the postulation of „improvcmcnt**.
M. Dobrzyński’s synthesis of the history of Poland represents the most radical pronouce-ment in Polish culture opposing the synthesis of J. Lelewel. The principal category of M. Dobrzyńskie synthesis is the category of ..power**. In his conccption the stale, that exists in modern Europę, is a Jawful stale” (..państwo prawne**) - ..social equilibrium‘* („równowaga społeczna”). Its foundation is „the organisation”. According to M. Dobrzyński the State as it exists in the Poland of modern times, does not give „power**. M. Dobrzyński*s synthesis of Polish history is „pessimism”; in modern limes only the stale in Poland does not give „power” . In the interpretation of M. Dobrzyński ihe „decline** of Poland, beginning from the XVII century, signifies the defectiveness of the model of the stale. Ilcncc the postulation of ..admitling to er-rors".
10 Syntez:i dziejów Polski..