Marti1 Saminek

Participalion of Poland .n Luropcan Union crisis managera cntj

Europcan Union Police Mission (EUPM) in BoMua-Herzegovin& launebed on I January 2003, was fir$t-cvcr HU civjlian crisis management opcratioi under ESDP.1 Mission was bascd on a Coundi Joint Action of 11 Marek 2002,30 following ihc United Nations Security CounciPs Rcsolution 1396 of 5 Mareb 2002. Operation took ovcr the United Nations1 International Poboc Task Foroe (IP^rF). which had been in place sińce Dccanbcr 1995 and śts main sum was to establisb local law enforaement capabililics that caa contnbutc to the stability of the region. Poland1s participation - 12 połioc officcrs.

Operation Concordia - The Europcan Union lauocbcd a mditary operaboo in tbc Forraer Yugoslav Rcpublic of Macedonia (FYROM) on 31 Mareb, 2003,51 bascd on Coundi Joint Action 2003/92/CFSP of 27 January 2003 oa tbc Europcan Union military operation m the Forraer Yugoslav Repubbe of Macedonia.11' The operation conlnbutcd to the cfTorts to achicve a pe1 ceful. dcmocratic and prosperous country, as part of a region of slabie countrkrs, w herc an international security prcsence i1 no longcr needcd and to altów the implancntatśon of the August 2001 Ohrid Framework Agrecment,ł Poland1s partidpation - 17 reprcscntativc$.

EUJUST THEMIS - EU Rulc of Law Mission to Georgia u This is the first Rulc of Law mission Uunchcd by the EU in the contcxt of the Europcan Security and Dcfcnce Policy (ESDP) and as sucb is a sigrafican: step forward in the dcvdopmcnt of the dvilian strand of ESDP. EUJUST TIIEMIS is designed to support the Georgian aulhontics in addressttg urgent challenges in the criminal justice system, assisting the Georgua governracnt in developing a co-ordinatcd overaU approach to tlić reform process, in a way that fully complcmcnts currcnt EU ossistance and other Internationa! community actiWtics and bilatera! Metnber State initiativcs in the Rulc of Law arca.“ Poland'* participation l cxpcrt.

Operation Althea - The Europcan Union military operation in Bośnia and H cnego vina in the framework of the Europcan Security and Dcfcnce Policy, based on Council Joint Action 2004/570/CESP of 12 July 2004* to cooduct a military operation in Bośnia and llcrzcgovina (BiH) in the framework of the Europcan Security and Detencc Policy (ESDP).,T Poland’s contnbution in this mission attamed 275 sokliers.

EU Support to AM1S II Europcan Union civilian-military supporting action to the African Union mission in tbc Darfur region of Sudan based oo Council Joint Action 2005/557/CFSP of 18 July 2005 on the Europcan Union cmlian-railitary supportiog action to the African Union mission in tbe Darfur region of Sudan.11 Poland’* participation - I capcrt Poland part id pat cs also in NATO crisis management:

IFOR/SFOR in 1996 Polish soldicrs took part in tbc Forces Leading to Pcacc (IFOR) and the Stabilizing Forocs (SFOR) in Bośnia and Hcnc-govina. Polish contingcnt within SFOR forccs consists of two operational cocrpanies from the Nordic-Polish Coenbat Group as well as personncl on rarious levcls of the Group and in Mission Command, which is alrnost 300 joldicrs and dvil personncl. Polish sub units werc crcatcd on the basis of 16* Airborne Battalion of the 6“ Airbomc Brigadc frosn Cracow." Dc-ploymcnt of SFOR as part of the Nordic-Polish Bngade (NPBDE) was

” hltp;/, oc.CTJ łnl.'Cn«3<'o ito»Pa^cxłpaid - TOIAUnę-cnAinodc - j.

» EC OJ. 28.07.2004, L 252, p. 10 14.

” The Operatioo objccum are: itible, suN<, poccful and multicthiuc BiH, coopffiunf yooefully with its najthboun and irroeraiMy oo traci towardt I*U membcnhip. supporting BiHs propen towardi KU Integralion by ils own dToru, by cootnbutmg to a ufe and warc with the otyte Uve of ugrung ibe SuhJiution and Aiwoitinn Agreement, to eoca/c a    tranution frocn NATO kd SFOR to EU Force (EUFOR) ro order to help

nuntain a secure enviroamcnt for the enpłementadon of the Dayton,Pam Feacc Agr cement. as bghiighted in the Mńuoc Impicmatztion Plan (MIP), and the strengthening of local opłaty buikling through support of the RiH authorkie* in tmplenwnting the conditions in the SAP feaaibility study. to make surę that the SAP and the unplemcatation of the MIP retnforce ooe rnothcr. Source www.ruropaeti.ini,

*    EC OJ. 20.07.2005, L 188. p 46 51. Oo 28 May 2004 the African Union (Al/) deodrd w deptoy a mooitomg miftcioo in Darfur to obscr\c cocr.pfaancc with the Ndjamcna Humań: Unio Ceaacfire Agreement of 8 Apnl 2004 (A.M IS) and on 20 Octobcr 2004 the Afncan uocn Prace and Security Counol deodod to enhance AMIS and to tncłude m ils mandatc Mtiuncr to the proces* of confidence buildifig and to the protecoon of civiŁians and koBuniunan operation*. and obtcrvaace of comptiance with ak agreefnent* ugned between the partie* lince the NMjamena Humamtamn Ceaiefirc Agreement (AMIS II)

*    Pofoh Soldiert m Nato Pcacoekmg Mutiom www.wp.rnil pl - an oflkul lite of The Mjuiłtr) of National Defenee of The Repubbc of Pc4and


   Information conccmiag partkźpobcn oT Pol and &n EU (fkift manageroent ccc1 frec Puropcan Union weh ntr: www.europa.cuint. Information a bont contri bulion m EU mimem wt bascd on COSACS Anncx III to tbc buncuaJ report on EU proco1 u rei and praojca: Personnd mvoK-nd in Cj\ilian ESDP Operation\ www coucorg/eti.tnectings prownifLc1 don 2005;oedmary mccUngdoc^ir.er.ts penoed.) and on Pob1h Mtoislry of Nabcoal Mera documcnt “Europejska Polityka Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony UE - zaangażowanie PotałT (www wp mil pi start php^ge -1010600000) and are actuaJ oo 31 August 2005.

*    Oiovanni flrevi, Dov Lynch. Antonio Mitwołi. ESDP Optrations, w1 cc org eidp 09-d\l-im pdf

*    EC OJ 13 03 2002. L X>. p. 1-6.

" Thit dednon foUowed a rojuett by Pmaknt TrajkosUj and was bascd on UN Seoifty Counal Rmotux»n 1371. Th» EU Jed operabon follcm-ed a KATO operaooo. which rodrd ca 31 March. Initially cxpcctod to list fot a period of ®x rconths. il was agreed by the Cccoa on 21 Joly to eaieod it foc a brief addibonal period This operatioo was cor.pleteć on 15 Decem ber 2003. The operabon madę use of KATO auets and capibtlHiet. whieh was cralc potuhle by the compleUon of wt1k on EU-NATO arrangcmcaU.

“ EC OJ. II 02 2005. L 34, p 26-34.

u www oe.es jnt/thowpagratp^d - 594AUng -enAmode -g

*    Mission bascd on Counol Joint Action 2004/523,CFSP of 2t lurse 2004. EC OJ 29.06.2004. L 228. p. 21 24


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