Prairie & Zimmer
Let Ed be the number of defective units produced and submitted up to the time of detection, and assume that the inspected defective unit is not submitted. Then,
Assume that each unit to be sampled takes T units of time to determine whether it is defective or non-defective and that those T units are submitted. No units beyond the T units will be submitted until the results from the sample units are known. Then the expected number of defective units
submitted, Ed|Q*, during the period with defect ratę Q* that are defective
due to the modę associated with Q* is
Ed|Q.= Ed +Q*T(l-p)
= £z£ł(i + pTQ*), if Q*>0,p>0,N>—— [11]
=0, if Q*=0
where N is the total number of units produced.
Figures 3 through 7 show contours of constant average numbers of submitted defective units, Ed|Q* as a function of sampling ratę p and test time T. Each figurę shows contours for a fixed value of incremental defect ratę
Q*. These figures show the impact of the sampling ratę for instantaneous test
time as well as the change in sampling ratę reąuired as test time increases. For
example, consider the results shown in Figurę 5 with Q = .2. With large values of Ed|Q*, the effect of T is negligible to about T = 40 and the reąuired sample ratę is less than .05. For smali values of Ed|Q*, the reąuired sample ratę is much higher and the effect of T is large. For example at Ed|Q* = 5, the sample ratę at T = 0 is about. 17 whereas for T = 40, it is about .50. The main use for these figures is to get some sense for the impact on number of accepted defective units as a function of sampling ratę and test time. The use of these figures for generating a plan involves some subjectivity.
Consider, for example, a plan that is to be developed for a component for which about 2000 units will be produced. Based on analysis of similar components and on engineering judgment, a new failure modę with a defect
increment of morę than Q* = .1 is seen as unlikely and, therefore, it is