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0 Let go, forget the burdens of the past. The past eannot be changed so use it to make the futurę yours. a) Be ujhoever you luant to be. DonT live your life houj other people want you to. 3) Tlnink positively. No matter how bad a srtuation. something good will come from it. 4) Remember that everything happens for a reason. When the reasorr reveals itself. rt will blow you away.

6) Change. Learn and grow as a person, become the best person you can and want to be. (.) "Look after the pennies and the pounds tuill look after themselves” Care for the smali things and the big things will happen as a result. 7) Build relatlonshlps. Form friendships. see the good in people. share your life with them and tell them ałl of your secrets. 8) LiVe your life lurth purpose. Set out to achieve something and do it. The feeling of accomplishment is

empowenng. 4) Take responsibility. Don't blame your mistakes on others. don*t blame others when things dont go to plan. Accept that it happened 10) Smile. A lot. Smiling releases endorphins that make you feel better instantly. youll feel happier.

Happiness spreads, SMILE. -)


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