3. Koight of the 2nd hall' of thc 12th ccntury fbcginning of the period of the feudal division of thc Polish Kingdom) 63
4. Knights of the mid-13th ccntury (period of thc Battle of Legnica fought with thc Tartars in 1241) 77
5. Noble-knight of thc Lei iwa family, mid-14th ccntury (reign of King Casimir thc Grcat). Bchind him his squirc and a mounted archcr with a crossbow 87
6. Knights of thc carly 15th ccntury (period of thc Battle of Grunwald lought with Tcutonic Knights in 1410) 99
7. Fuli piąte armour and its polish terminology 103
8. Knight-lancer mounted on a horse in thc bard, 2nd half of thc 15th ccntury (tcign of King ("asimir IV;). Bchind him two mounted archers with crossbows 105
IHKM Institute of the History of Materia! Culture, Polish Academy of Sciences
MAEL Archaeological and Ethnographical Muscum, Łódź
MAP - Archaeological Museum. Poznań
MNK — National Muscurn, Cracow
MWP — Polish Anny Museum, Warsaw
PMA - State Archaeological Museum, Warsaw
W — State Collections of Art in thc Wawel, Cracow