

Explanation of illustrations


1.    The batllc of Grunwald (15th July 1410); woodcut from the PoHsh Chronicie by Marcin Bielski, published in 1597. The Tculonic knights are elad in West-Europcan armour; Polish knights are clad and armed in Oriental style in keeping wiih the 16th century reality but inconsistent with what was worn at the timc uf the Grunwald bat tle

2. Piotr Michałowski (1800— 1855), The entry of Bolesław the Great into conquered Kiev in 1018. The painter*s phantasy changed the llth century warriors into the winged hussars of the 17th century

3.    Helmet of the so called Great Polish type; lOth— llth century; lound at Gorzuchy, province of Kalisz; MNK

4.    Helmet with nasal; llth — 12th century; tbund in Lako Orchowskic, pro-vinee of Bydgoszcz; PMA (a copy)

5.    Denarius of Bolesław the Bold freigned 1058 — 1079); after S. Suchodolski

6.    Sword; 9lłi — lOth eenturies; lound at Machów, province of Tarnobrzeg; PMA

7.    Sword; llth century; found at Brześć Kujawski, pro,vince of Włocławek; PMA

8.    Sword; llth century; lound at Psary, provincc of Piotrków; MAEŁ

9.    Sword with an inerusted guard, the blade is inscribed; lOth century; found in Great Poland; MAP

10.    Sword with an inerusted guard; lOth century; found at Morzewo, pro-vince of Piła; MAP

11.    Spearhead; llth century; found at Buczek; province. of Sieradz; MAEŁ

12. Spearhead with an inerusted sockct; llth century; found at Lubówko, proyince of Poznań; MAP

113. Battle-axe; lOth century; found at Gzcrchów, proyince of Łódź; MAEŁ

14.    Hammer-axe; llth century; found at Lutomiersk, proyince of Sieradz; IHKM

15.    Battle-axe; llth century; found at Psary, proyince of Piotrków; MAEŁ

10. Battlc-axe inlaid with silyer; 12th century; found at Żagań, proyince of

Zielona Góra; MAP

17.    Macc-hcad (bronzc); 12th 13th eenturies; found at Gorzyce, proyince of Tarnów; MAP

18.    Mount from liorse harness (bronze); llth century; found at Lutomiersk, proyince of Sieradz; IHKM

19.    Stirrup; llth century; found at Lutomiersk, proyince of Sieradz; IHKM

20. Spur; llth. century; found at Fum near Łęczyca, proyince of Płock; IHKM

21.    Spur inlaid with gold; lOth— llth eenturies; found in Wrocław; Department of Archaeology of the Wrocław Univcrsity

22.    David and Goliath; scene on the chalice from the Abbey at Trzemeszno, proyince of Bydgoszcz; 4th quarter of the 121h century

23.    Scal of Duke Mieszko the Old (reigned 1173-1202)

24.    Seal of Duke Henry the Bearded; attached to the documcnt of 1234



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