examples of these are illustrated in the tapestry but it is not possible to interpret the embroiderer’s stylization with any certainty. Scalę armour, madę from plates of horn, was certainly in use, while the Normans from Southern Italy and Sicily may well have copied jazerant (a mail hauberk fixed by studding between two layers of thick materiał) from the Saracens, whom they had been fighting for some years.
H: Norman and Saxons, post-conquest On the left is a Norman ‘knight’ in everyday outdoor dress: the decoration on the tunic is typically Norman. The bearded Saxon on the right is wearing morę formal indoor clothing, again with decoration which is typically Saxon. Notę es-pecially the hose ‘suspenders’. In the background are two Saxon serfs: notę the footless hose on the left-hand figurę, and the tucked-up gowns.
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