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Below are illustrated quilling tools which are available.
(It is also possible to make a tool for yourself by sawing off the tip of the eye of a sewing needle. Be very careful however as this could be extremely dangerous, particularly in childrens’ hands).

Basic Tools, Materials and Equipment
Widths — 2mm 3mm 5mm lOmm
Lengths — normally 450mm which may be tom by hand into the requireć length
A elear drying non-elasric paper glue.
Work Surface
A piece of fibrę board or polystyrene is ideał for a work base. Pattems etc. may then be pinned onto this, over which greaseproof or plastic will give a suitable work surface.
When the ąuilled shapes are glued to each other, any glue seeping between the shapes is easily removed from these surfaces.
2mm metal |
3mm metal 3mm plastic |
bmm/ lUmm plastic |
Measure |
l_ |
1 |
\ |
0 1 |
37V2mm |
75mm |
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