
At thc bcginning of thc 20th ccntury thc popularity of beauty salon* mcrcascd. Cosmeucs and fragrances becamc mass marketed. It was eon-nected wtth thc growing number of Stores and department Stores. Many comparucs opcoly surted to scll cosmeucs and they were finally dts-playcd and no longcr hiddcn under thc countet.

Wonłcn began to spend a lot' of moncy on beauty ptoducts and gtooming pracuccs. By 1906, Chatks Ncsdc inrcntcd thc pcimancnt wavc. An electric hcat machinę was attnehed to thc hair pads protcctmg thc head and curlcd tłte han.

In 1908, in France a new form of hair waving cailcd thc Marcel wave was introduced. This tcchniquc curlcd thc hair with hot irons in a waved arrangement around thc head.

In 1907, Max Factor becamc famous for thc makc-up which was cre-ated specially for thc cincma and thc Hollywood film industry. Women fbfiowed thc wampie of famous siknt movie stars in their flamboyant makc-up.

In 1910, makc-up and dothes came to be influcnccd by Russtan bal-Ict danccts. Ladics began to wear morc wotic, bnghter colourcd dothes and morc viv»d makc-up Tattooing becamc paróculariy popular among socicty bdies. Tłicy had lips, pink blushcs and dark cyebrows petma-ncntly ncedlcd in.

In 1915, lipsrick łut die market. It was extensivcly used with ted rouge to suggest Health, wcalth and happiness. Cosmcacs becamc chcap luxury for thc socicty which scemcd to givc patncuiar attenuon to youth and vitality. In thc I920s makc-up began to be used again aftet thc wat ycars. Elizabeth Arden led thc way by dcveloping cleansing and noutish-ing creams, tonics and lotions.

In 1927, thc Chemical mcthod for permancnt waving was mvcntcd and Helena Rubinstein began to acatc ber famous creams to pcotect thc face from che sua Womcn camc to pluch eyebrows to givc them a thinner linę, some of them even shavcd them. There was also a fashion for false eyelashes.

In 1930, women camc to give prefercnce to dark lips and soon they wae ablc to choosc any colour they found appropriatc from a wtde atray of sKndcs Lipstick was applied quitc thickJy and grew redder throughout thc 1930* changing colour evay yeat Fingcrnails had extremc lengths and were varnishcd scarlet or dark ctimson colour while toenads were conuastcd in light pink nail cnamel.

During thc 30s “whitc faces” were substituted by thc Hollywood tan look regarded as a symbol of Health and wealth. In 1935, Max Factor inuoduced pancake makc-up for photograpliing faces for thc film.

During Vfodd War 11 the use of cosmeucs camc to a hall because of the shortage of ingredients Howevrer, as soon as the war was ovcr, in the 1950s the modern era of thc cosmeucs business started. Makc-up, powders, rougc, mascara, cycshadows, ckansers, toners, moisturizers, tanning products and fragrances were again mass marketed to a "new" post war socicty. Pcoplc started spending inoncy again.

The compctiuon among cosmeucs firms inereased, toa The cos-meoes rndustry became also the foondaóon of fashion. The influence of film siars gave use to fashionable styles (hairstyles and a variety of looks) and was followcd by womcn. The new medium, telcvision, pre-sented cosmeucs nds

In the l960s, purplc lips and Egyptian eyeliner, as weli as false eyelashes madę a great comeback. Pcoplc camc to pay attention to a healthy diet choosing menus rich in fruit and vegetable ingredients

In thc 1970$, thc use of ccrtain cosmeóc ingredients camc to be banned to protect endangered species, and otlier speacs currently used as guma pigs by some' cosmeucs industnes The age of enyironmcntal changes demanded from cosincuc compamcs elear answers: What do they use to make a product? What does it do? Where docs it comc from?

Nowadays, cosmeucs. and beauty rndustry u one of thc biggest busi-nesses m tire world. Almost evcry day we can witness a launch of a new brand. We arc virtually flooded with beauty products related advcrtise-ment. The demand for products advatiscd in magazrncs, on billboard*, in telev!sx>n and on the Jmanet is enormous Moreovcr, we can now buy virtually any product, style, brand within 24 hours and practicaUy anywhcrc.

Eyen if some customcrs are afraid of some cosmeucs, fragrances, hair and skin products or invasive beauty treatments, the allute of a beau-


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