ipe 62
131. Sit at thc cdgc of a chair with your hands bchind you as shown. Takc a breath, extcnd one leg as high and as far as you can for the count of ten: rclax Repcat. using other leg.
132. Place your leg on chair back as shown. Takc a breath; tighten your ab-domen and rcach forward as far as ycu can; hołd position for thc count of ten: rclax Repeat. using other leg.
133. Place your hccl at thc cdgc of a chair. Take a breath. tighten your ab-domen: push back with your arms as though against resistance as you con-tract your buttocks as hard as you can for thc count of ten; rela.x. Repeat. using other leg on the chair.
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20361 scbb12 MASSAGE 1 Pli&to by Larkitt Bros., London, W.C.). SIT on thc cdgc of a bcd or a stoipe 61 im 128. Place your hands bchind you on a chair and brace yourself on yDIMENSIONS5102 stitching Follow the arrows at thc edgc of the chart to where they meet.This startin12961 P1060311 Unconycmional Archacology ISBN 83-04<00304«XJanusz Ostoja-Zagórski An Attcmpt at t78666 kryzys bułgarski (3) CHAPTER 9 hctwccn these rwo powers a5 good as they were at thc beginning(continua/ front page 28) BOTH ANGELS Weavc in cnds at lowcr cdgc of skin and tips of wings beforer At thc bcginning of thc 20th ccntury thc popularity of beauty salon* mcrcascd. Cosmeucs and fragraIMG 24 I Index Mathcmatics (Contmued) tutoring, 13; instruction vcry poor at thc University of Vicnnskanuj0074(1) Complete the sentences with prepositions at, for, in, of, to, with. Uzupełnij zdania odictionary9 table You sit at a table. teddy A teddy is a soft toy bear. television You watch and livibro 61 E.YERCISE 82 (abovo)—Lic fiat on atom* ach, on thc seat of a chair. or somc other supp34607 vibro 61 E.YERCISE 82 (abovo)—Lic fiat on atom* ach, on thc seat of a chair. or somc other&nbswięcej podobnych podstron