Pli&to by Larkitt Bros., London, W.C.).
SIT on thc cdgc of a bcd or a stool, fect apart, knccs stratght, as in photo. Lcan thc irunk slightly hack, so as ro comracr thc nhdominal muscles. Place the Hat palms on the ahdomen, one above and one l)elow thc navcl. Draw thc hands across to thc left. and at thc satnc titne twist thc trunk to rhc righr. Wirhout pausing, draw thc hands hack across thc ahdomen, to the right, twisring the trunk in the opposite direction. Continue, make thc twisting quick and vigorous, keeping the pelvis set rigidly, and moving at the waist only. Press hard with thc hands on to the ahdomen throughom thc cxcrcise. Brcathing sliould bc dcep and steady, and thc exercisc continued for 8 complcte respirattons.
ADVANCliD DEGREK: Lift thc feet slightly off the floor. and lean a littlc
further baekwards. Ord monrh).