


i‘hn(n by Larkitt Hra\.. London, M'.C I.

STAND willi thc feet :i short dis tance apart and place the palm of one hand just abovc cach buttoek. Kccping thc legs straight and knccs braced. bend the 1>i>«ły lorward and downwards, stroking the backs of the rbighs and ca!vcs firmly wich the hands umil yon rcach the ankles. As soon as the hands reach the back ot the ankles. bring them round to thc front so ihat thc fingers arc now poinnng towards cach othcr. As soon as yon do this. but not bcforc. bcnd the knccs fully so that ynu arc in thc squatting position with the hands just abovc thc front of the ankles as shown in photo. Whilsc in this position briskly stroke the hands up to thc knccs and then down again to tlić ankles and then bring them ttp toward thc knees again. Straighten thc legs, cominuing thc stroking up ovcr thc knccs and front of thc thigns on to thc abdomcn which should then be given one or two quick strokcs up and down hcfore sliding thc hands round to thc original position just above thc buttocks. Thcre should hc no pause whacever in the stroking; it should be cottlinuotiS, firm and vigorous> Do not bc afraid of prcssing rcally bard agninst thc bodv with thc palms of the hands. Try to pcrform thc complctc cxercise rhythmtcally. This should eonie easily enough onee you are comersant with it. The same applics to all thc othcr cxcrcise$.

Brcathc in dccply licforc cominciicing and out going down. and whilc in the squat position. Inhalc when straightening thc legs an<l rccoeering to thc starting p<isition. Pcrform for 12 repetitions.


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