itry# pwc»i » Cyr* t^ hn •**1 by gradom) p«oont corecł ■Jang targeft- *vnq •hrrwgh # * •*

Cycłop roars wth/mgunh

as Iw hołde »» dood body ot nt brtoswd, Jean Gray. in Iw oth



Scott Summers OCCUPATION

Adventurer, student, radio



Xavier Institute Westchester County, New York State; X-Factor Headguarters. New York City

Kufy .juartz risor shielJs oplu błasi f, whieh he is u tubie (o “lurn off"Jue to his ehilihood brain injury.



•    X-Wen »107 First appearance of Corsair. Cycłops‘s father (Chnstopher Summers). whom Scott bel«eved to be dead but ts now a member of the Staoammers, an altan group opposed to Shi'ar tyramy.

•    X-Wen »$0 Mamage X-m*n styie: aft er years of romance. Scott Summers fmally mames hs betoved Jean Grey

When Professor X set up his School for Gifted Youngsters, the first mutant he asked to join was Scott Summers. He joined the Professors team, the X-Mf.n, adopting the codename Cyclops. Cyclops proecd Professor X’s most trusted X-Man. and quickly became the team’s deputy leader and master strategist, displaying great tactical abilities.


Deputy Leader of the X-Men


Dearty energy i contomaiły cracWos ] todh trom the eyes ot i Cydope. contro**! Orty by ha v»or.


Scott Summers was the eltler of two sous of Air Forte Major Chnstopher Summers and K.ttherine Annę Summers. Major Suunners decided to fty his family liome front a wication ahoard his privatc piane. But the piane w as attacked by a spacc slup of the alien Siu*ar Empire.

Scott s mother pushed him and his brother Alex out of the hurning piane w uh the one arailable parachutc. I Iaving to sharc one parachutc led the boys to plunge to Earth rapidly.When they hit the

ground, both brothers were hurt and hospitali/ed Scott striu k his head and fell into a eonu, which lasted for a year.

Scott suficrcd brain damage, which would ewntually piecem him from controlling his mutant po wers (optic blasts) once they emerged. Alex ended up in an orphanage and the boys lost <. ornat t tor many ycars.Thcy would be rcumted once Alexs mutant powers emerged and he became known as I Iavok. and ewntually joined the


The X-Man

In his mid-tecns,

Scott dcveIopcd terrible headathes and eyestram.Then his mutant powers emerged and he unintcntionally released an optic blast that struck a t ranę at a construction site. endangering people on the Street. He then fired amither blast w hich destroyed the falling tlebns. savmg the t rowtl. which was nonetheless enraged. Scott fled the scene and subsequently fell into an unwilling

Cyriops hos tho mutan* ahWy lo pnojoct ruby-edored Ł**m* o* pure 30tar erwjy Irom h«

Hytrt Tho powor of thee* boome is drawr from the Sun* rays Cydops cote coootartJy abcoft) surtghr and transfer the sotor energy toNseyes Duo lo a bram n/iry as a chW. Cyóops opbc boam « ahwys 'on * The orty wey to btock # R by doertg hts cy06 cw woonryj a vwor or

Cydop*’ optic bkists aro powortul onough to punch hoies Through a mountari

partnership w ith a powerful mutant criminal, the Living I )iamond. When Professor X learned about Scott and his abilicy, the professor rescucd the young mutant from the Living Diamond and mvited him to join his school. Scott became Cyclops, the first member of the X-Men. Scott latcr łbrmed X Fv tor, but always returned to the X-Men.

and reserwd. he was m Iove w ith teammate Jean Gkfy for years bcforc they fmally married 1’heir son is named Natlun. MT


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