FIRST APPEARANCE • toneralion X #1 ;t4ovember 1994}
REAL NAME Manus S?. Cro«
HEK3HT tj*3in WEIGHT Vanabto EYES Rad HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Must conaoma the marrow of mutanta to p«©veol bemg puied mto a poctot ckneneon ot untołd torturę*. absort* łba abtottos of ©ach mutant he feeds on tor a tana
Ex*od to a hocrtte ofhor droemon. Empłata cot*i orty nwnar o our reakty by conaummg th© bon© manuw of kto himwif
FIRST APPEARANCE Wato of Sp*der-M*n #116 (Nov#mb«f 1994)
REAL NAME Kenneth Efts
OCCUPATION Reporter BASF. N*w York Cłty
HEICHT Ml 10 jn WEIGHT 1C5 Dt EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Protowonal joemoftelio afete,
usetof latom tor comtng up wrth a memorebto monitor tor a
roslumed hero or v#totn. or an ey»-ca»ch*r>g heedkne.
Kcn 1:11 is was a reporter for ilu* Daily Bugłe, a major New York City newspaper published by the redoutable J.Jonah Jamesom. He has rcporced on various Stones involving the costumed cnmefighter Spidml-Man.
Whcn Spider-Man s t lone.
Hen Rcilly, adoptetł his tirst costumed idcntity. it was FJhs who narncd the new «riinefightcr “The Scarlet Spidcr** in one of lus Daily Bugi e” articles.
Since this high point in his journalistic career, howcver, bllis has beconic less prominent in the New York newspaper business, ps
The sister of Monet St. C roix of Generation X. I-mplates mutant power flung him into a poeket dimemion. where his physical body was ravagcd. Only b\ feeding on the marrow of the mutant Pi nam h was he able to return to our world. albeit encased in a respirator unit hc now needed to \urvive. In order to remain in our dimemion, R.niplate must constantly renew himself from the marrow of other mutants. and he specifually targeted Generation X alter Penance was dclivcred into their eare. allying himself with others who borę the team a similar grudge. such as the New I Illuons. tb
rmpath is the son ot a poor < asofian noble who ran tracę his ancestry back to anrient Konic. As a mciubcr of the mutant team the Hhuons. Rmpath was tramed iii the use o!
. his superhum.ui powers by Emma Frost, the Wbite Queen of the Hun .ki ( . i h. But I whcn Iimpatk providcd assistance toTnuNUFRHiRn in lus attack on the X-Mi Emma I Prost temporariły remoYed Empath s powers. Seekmg revenge for tlns. Empath helped A arrange the kidnapping ofMAGMA and Si nspot of the New Muianis by the I Gladiator. mt A?
Manuel AJfonso Roor-go de la Rocha OCCUPATION
Massachusetts Acaderrty, Snów Valey. Massachusetts
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 In
WEIGHT 160 Ibs EYES Black
HAIR lught Brown
Now Mutants *16
The Super-SokSor Sorjm brougN hm tc lho pook of physical pertoebon: ebto to Mt twice In own body wtugfit. expert rratary stratega. CVrp*c-tovel martai srtot and gymnaaJ twmlart lo deeaee end tabguo
New MuLarts #10 (Jurtę 1904'. tootjred *Away Cm
Empon and hto łeeow He*ons wwo al stodynfs «t ih* WL<© CX*wn i Maswctweetis