FIRST APPEARANCE Champ«r» #7 iAuguit 1976
REAL NAME Laynta P*trovna
OCCUPATION Adventur«r BASE Russia
HEIGHT 5 tt 6 in WEIGHT 125 lb« EYES Brown HAIR Blond
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Darkstar cxxjłd tap mo the
extradimen$łonal Dorktcrce to errato sokd ot-^ets. to teiepod
hersałf and others. and to fły.
Born a mutant, Laynia and lier brother Nicolai wcrc turncd ovcr to Profcssor Piotr Phobos, thc Russian countcrpart of Professor X, who was ussembling a team of Russian mutant* to scrvc the state They bccamc Darkstar and Vanguaro. Darkstar was instrumencal in dcłeating Phobos w hen it cmergcd that the rcal purposc of his academy was to incrcase iiis own power. Darkstar contiimcd lier activities as a Super I Icroinc in the Winter Guard (sec Soyift St PER-Sommers). umil she perished, with other members of X-Cori*s, figbtmg the villain Wcapon XII TB
FIRST APPEARANCE New MutanUj #98 (Febfuary 1991|
REAL NAME Wab* Wifeon OCCUPATION M*rc«nnry BASE Mobd*
HEIGHT 6?!2lr. WEIGHT 210** EYES Brown HAIR Nonę SPEClAL POWERS/ABll ITIES Mae odvanced heakng abAiw*. and * *n expert marfcsmar. and hand-to-hand-combatant. Uaa* a t<S«podaho« d*v>c* lo trav*l mstantły łrom ona płaca to anotber
WhcnWadc Wilson was diagnoscd with canccr, ho allowcd tlić scicntists ot*
W h Al*( >\ X thc secret ('anadian gmcrnment project that had created
Woiw.iuni and Sabrltooih—to iry to curc hiin by attcmpting to ret rcatc Wolvcrine s gcnctic hcaling ability.Thc cure was suecesstul. but Wilson s skin was lcit a mangled mess, and Wcapon X placcd hnn in a prison lab as a f.uled e\peni»ent. Aftcr killing thc guards and cscaping, 1 )eadpool began his career as one ot* thc worid s dcadly nicrcenaries for hire, battling ( 'mu p and X-Forc l, among others. mt
Altson Blaires f.uhcr. ( t ter. was a la wy er and her motber was a l-i/z s:iv;cr. who ewntually deserted the fundy,Carter watited his d.uightcr to follow in his footsteps, but she dreamed of
bcv om:ug a singer.
Alisons mutant power fu>t m.mifcstcd kwildurmg a high school talem show.Altcr igraduatłotj she attempced co establish licrself pioft^ionffly and used her powers to creatc spectacular Hghtmg crtecw włule she v«ng. Her anwing powers soon helped to make her a star, Although originally Alison had no imention of using her mutant abilitics i»> tiglit I ciinic. she joincd thc X Nb N -liter -.iie was [ pubii« h. . \pnscd .i-, mutam. and het popa!.:! it\ w lth thc paMu plummctcd Siic latci met aii.l leli m Iow w.th I ł f...mi. •: \ru*T hc wa-. icportcd dc.ul. Akson retamed to lici singing c.ucct. td
Dean, Laura
FIRST APPEARANCE Alpha Fhgh! VoL 1 #53 {Oecambar 1987)
REAL NAME Laura Ooan
OCCUPATION c ormor odynrturer
BASE Fornwdy Alpha Fhghi hoadguartof*, Cartada
opar podali rvto anolher d<m*nuon and alco ciosa them
Singer, actress
HEIGHT 5 ft 8 m WEK3HT 115 Ibs EYES Bloe HAIR B!oode
X-Men #130 (Fetyuary 1980)
Mutant with »ie ab*ty to conved aonio •abrabone *tfo wmous torms ot bght. inckłdng bfcndng, cdortul, mind-oumb»ng and hypnotic dispłays high mpact photon btasts. laser boarre. hołographic ftusioreand [xotoctive fores
I )arby I >e.ui discoveretl to his horror that one ot his wifes unborn twins w as a mutant with an inhunun form. and attempced to kil) the i luki. Ilowcver, the other unborn twin, l ama, uscd her own mutant powers to save her sister by transportmg her to another dimension. which she would bter name "Iiwneorld.*' In her tcens, Laura used lier powers to change
Rtnk singer Dazzler's mutant pourr ereates a speetacular hght show to matJi htr dynamie roeals.
placcs with her twin, know n as Gobłyn. I lence, \vhenever Gobłyn camc to Earth, Laura went to Livcwofid. Evcntually both twins ended up on F.ai th siniultancously.
1 aura and Gobłyn then briefly servcd as members ofBeta Flight. the training team for thc Ai i*h a l i itiH t hero team. aml l aura took the codę name Pathway. PS
Laura and GobłynS rmeratMi #v*s i*d lo t aura calno fcartfi *OooM«>1d *