Wild Thing
FIRST APPEARANCE J2 #5 (February 1999)
REAL NAME Rina Logun OCCUPATION H gh school student BASE Saddle R/ver New Jersey
HEIGHT Sft2ln WEIGHT 98lbs EYES 8rown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Suportmman strongth. speed, agillty, and a healing power giwwg immuroty from potsons, gases.
or drugs; psychic cławs can cut through v«rtually any substance.
In a possible futuro, thc tormcr assassin F.i ektra marries Woivfrjnf of the X-Min and bas a da u gh ter. Namcd Rina, shc inherits many of hor fathcrs physical powers and also possesses tho mutant abiliry to generale psychic claws. Ignoring hor parcnts’ objections, Rina hones hor powcrs and bccomcs Wild Thing. When J2. son of tho original Juggernaui , reveals himself to tho public. sho hunts him down and challenge* Inni to a figlu, which Wolverinc breaks up. Rina latcr joins with Spii»łr-Giri and the Aven<;krs to prcvcnt thc god Loki from cnding the age of herocs. TD
Jackson Arvad s boss at the Brand Corporation,James Melvin, was constantly driving the scientist to deVisc ncw tcchnologies. A lab accidcnt led to Jackson becoming trapped in an clcctro-magnetie field and Mclvin left han to die. I Io\vcvcr,Jackson clung to lifc, despite a ńumber of set-backs. and found that he could now manipulate all the moleeules in his body. He inidally had sonie difficulty controlling his mutation. but when he finally overeame these problems. he brought both Melvin and the Brand Corporation down. AD
Sctenlisl; adventurer
Wild Child
HEIOHT 6 ftl In WEIGHT 195 Ibs EYES Wbite HAIR Blond
Controls suft-atomc partie** n his body to become inlangfcte. fty. and inereaw slrength: usos fcrrtod tolcpathc abikty to compel otfwrs to do )ts vstl
Wilson, Jim
Will 0’the Wisp
Amaong Sptder-Man •235
(December 1982)
FIRST APPEARANCE Alpha Fbght (August 1983)
MEIGHT 5«8n WEIGHT 152 ba EYES Green-Wue HAJR Btond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES S jperb hand-to-hand combatam has superfx*nan aanses and daw-lke fingemaits: can see In the cinrk.
A traumatic and abusive childhood turnod Kylc Gibney, or Wild Child, into a dcspcrately unstablc and unhappy adult.Aftcr he was thrown out by his parents when his terał mutation manifcstcd. a clandcstine organisation tound him and sought to cxaggcrate his bestial naturę. Unablc to control his animal urgcs.Wild C Tliild began to drift and although he łus had help from various mdividuals and organisations he has repeatedly rcverted to his bestial naturę. Aipha Flight and Omega Flight, Woiyfjunt and Aurora, Weapon X and Department H—they h.»ve all taken an interest in Wild Child. but he remains a deeply unsettlcd i mli vidual. AD
FIRST APPEARANCE IncrecKto Mulk #131 (Seplember 1970)
OCCUPATION Formertlve* BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 200 K» EYES Brown HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES 1. > *uperbum*i power*. bul a toyal
fnend despite - or because of-fvs tough upbnngmg
Growing up as tough Street kid no one evcr gave Jim Wilson a break. So it was perhaps no surprise that he was destined to become friemls with that wcll-known outsider the HuLK.Jim was homeless and $tarving when he snatchcd a womans pnrse. However. he became overcome with guilt and left thc purse where the woman could find it.
Jim was hiding out in an ahandoned tenement when he encountered the I lulk and otTered him his last candy bar.
Wilson agreed to help the Mulk find Banner and avoid thc army. and the Ilulks sensc ofloyalty to Wilson grew.
Sadly. a fcw years Lter.Jim Wilson would dic from AIDS. MT
FIRST APPEARANCE Alpha Flighl V04 1 #95 (Aprd 1991)
REAL NAME Colłn Ashworth Hume OCCUPATION Adwenturer BASE England HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 183 EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Vutant abdrty to create sofcd moleeules ot ar and project them as foroe wawes: can translorm kquid into gas: Roxxon armor enables rwn to Iły.
A former operative of Roxxon Oil.Windshcar used his air-shaping ahilitics to further Roxxon s corrupt schemes. Ro.won supplied him with a battlesuit that enahled him to fly; the suit was also fitted with a radio rcceiver and a retractable plcxiglavs visor. In timc. Windshcar became disillusioned with Roxxon. and joined the Canadian superteam Alpha Flighi to figlu on thc sidc ofhcroism.
When the Canadian gosernment temporarily disbanded Alpha Flight. Windshcar used the opportunity to retire from adventuring.
He retumed to his native England and opened a curio shop selling his own hard-air constructs. DW