

FIRST APPEARANCE Wnat ' .    2 *105 iFebruary 1998j


OCCUPATION Higf-.-school student BASE New York CKy HEIGHT 5 ft 5 in (Zane): 6 fi 6 in (J2 WEIGHT 137 Ibs (as Zane) 725 Ibs (as J2) EYES Blue HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Sopemuma- streogin ar.c durability; vtrtually unstoppabto and -ndostrucdbie

Jack of Hearts



Jonathan “Jack" Hart





HEIOHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 175 Ibs

EYES Blu© (right). white fłeft) HAIR Brown


Deadly Hanós of Kung Fu *22 (March, 1976)

hnhaneed strength. resistanc© to injiry ard acceterated he»mg ratę. atxMy to retease ri\assrve ąuontitiCS ol cxptosivo cnergy as shock W3ves Power of fcęiht is acU«v«d l>y c<xitrołw>g Wasts of enotgy. Compurerzod intoligcncc enobics him to Ihink at ntwori^nal xjxł©ds.

In ono possible futuro. Zanoś paronts aro (‘ain Marko, tho original |l< ;<.i r vu i . and Sao lii Yama. an Assistant District Attornoy. They foli in lovo shortly aftor Marko ronounood lii> criminal ways. joinod tho X-Men. .iiilI was pardoncd for his past crimos.Thoy marriod.but Sachi kopt hor last namc for profcssional roasons. Whilo on an X-Mon mission. Marko was lost in an alion dimonsion.Yoars lator. Zane discovored that ho

could tomporarily gaili tho mass and powor of tho

Juggernaut. (ialling hnnsolf J2. Zane joinod the Avkn<;krs ol"his timeline and evcntually frocd his father liom an alion sorcerer who had boon holding him prisoner. TO

Harrs niother was an cxtratorrostrial Contra.\ian, and his father a huinan scicndst. I Io was boru with oolatilo cncrgy powors that would havo killcd him. and his father creatod Zoro Fluid in an attempt to give his son control. After an acoidcntal drenching in tho fluid whon agonts of tho criminal C orporation killcd his father. Jack bec.une the costumed horo Jack of I loarts. but ho required regular poriods of isolation in a SHILLD facility to koop front oxploding. Aftor learning of his origins. Jack trawlod to C ontraxia to rekindle tho planet s waning star. I Io became romantically involvod with Ganymcdc of tho Spinsterhood during tho right against Galactuss olfspring Tykan i . and joinod tho Avenc.ers upon his return to Larth. Frustratod by tho sogrogation rcquircd by his eondition.Jack dotonatod himself m spaco aftor saving tho lite of Ant-Mani lis daughter. Cassio I ang (Stature).A doppelganger ol Jack ol Moarts. cro.itod by tho Scariki Wiich. lator killed Ant-Man II in an oxplosion. o W

Ar ijikIwhcI verson Ol Jack ol Hcarts opoeared at the As*erg©rs Mansion, 'nomonty tałtore the ovents known as *Avongers OisassamMłd ‘

v Jackal


v Jack Frost

i w

y Jameson, John

FIRST APPEARANCE SpKlor Man *31 (Decomber 1966,

REAL NAMC Dr Mrfcs Wilrren

OCCUPATION Cnmmal former    locturor

BASE New York C*t> HEIGHT 5 ft'.- WEIGHT - ibs

EYES Grtjen HAIR Gray. las Jach.i nonę

SPECIAl POWERS/ABILITIES Expor. , c er r/„. •xjp«*fiuman

strmgit ar.< posoo-iippod. razor-sharp ctows. us©0 gas bomb?

FIRST APPEARANCE l • C<:m.cs * lAugm 1941)

REAL NAME Urrevealec OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE North Po*> mobile m US t We- Wj HEIGHT Sftr WEIGHT •tbs EYES Blu«-whit»' HAU B , .

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesse*. irmat.- supernuma. ab-iTy to generale suto-freennę temperaioen

FIRST APPEARANCE Amazmg Sp*lef Ma. » (Marc 1963'


OCCUPATION Former astronaut BASE Vanrvana.

HEIGHT o ft 2 in WEIGHT 200 ibs EYES Brown HAIR Rec-brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses the pfiywcai fitness ot

a top notef astronaut

Fetor Farkcrs biocheinistry toacher was obsessed with Fotors girlfriend. Gwon Sim t Ciriof-strtekon by hor dcath ho bocamc unhingod.

oroating donos of C Iwon and Fotor and killing his lab assistant whon ho was discovcrcd. Unablo to face what ho had tlone, ho dowlopod jii altornato porsonality, tl10 J.u who grjdually becamo tloiiiinant.The bl.uncti Simiikr-Man for what had happened to Gwen.and fon od Fetor to face up to his own guilt for her doath.Thoir last confrontation was in tho Doiły Buglc oflices. whon* thej.u met his maker. TB

Jack Irost may have boon tho hinnan-sizod olfspring of Irost Giants (sec Goi>s «'F Am.ari*). Iii the 194<K. he joined the l.iberty Legion, a horo team that battletl Axis agems on tho American homo front. I Jack I rost was later swallowed by a gigamic Ice Worm in the Arctic yet romaincd alive. I)r. Gregor Shapanka. whoso costume genorated intense cold. adopted tho nanic “Jack Fmst”as his 0rig1n.1l criminal ulontity. A Ido of Iron Man. Shapanka lator called himself tho Hi izz.\rh. I lo was killed by Arno Siark. the nme-travcling Iron Man of an altornato futuro. PS

Tho only son of Daily Buglc publishor J.Jonah J.\.\trs< >n. John was rcscucd by Spidijl-Man when Im spaco capsulo went out of control. Spider-Man also helpcdjohn whon oxposuro to sp.u o-sporos gave him suporhuinan strength anti caused him to run wiltl. and when .1 lunar gomstono c.uisetl him to transform into the Man-W< >11 .Jameson joined the Avi.m;krs support stall"as (Iaimain Amirk as pilot, betdre soroing as tho head of security for Raoonscroft Asylum. whoroin tho suporhumanly insano wero inoarooratod.

Frosontly. Iio is il.iting Joimiłer Walters. tho Sm - Ilu k. tb


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