
FIRST APPEARANCE an M j <101 {Augmł 197/i RFALNAMF Bram V**ng

OCCUPATKJN IngirwM* yongnful wgfente BASE MoMa

HEłOHT iftlk WEIGHT •...... EYES F*.J HA1R Nor*


Nm from altach Among hit ar**o* ara a lanca contammg a numbar ot cjtłarwa waapona. and a narva ges p«to4






Boru in 1 jtvcrij. BramVeking was a skillcd cnginccr, carrying out the schcmes of I >octor Doom. As punishmcnt tor un act of disobcdiencc, Dooni had an iron nusk fuscd to Vclsing s face. no that he would know what it meant to be Doom. Flccmg Latveria,

Vclsing took retiigc in the castle of Vu tor Frankenstein.

C killing himsclf 1 )readkmglu. anned with his own invemions. and riding a wmged horse that oncc bclonged to the Bl AC K Knk.hi . he vowed to takc revengc on his tormer master—no matter how many Innocent pcople got hurt along the way. TB


FIRST APPEARANCE strange Teł** *1$4 iMay '.9401 REAL NAME Dreednought

OCCUPATION Waapons system BASE Naw York Stała HEIGHT 8 ft WIDTH 40 m WEIGHT 2.200 Ib*

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Fortebtc fuaion generator antuM 1 5 yeors ot contmuous usa: trawete at 35 mph. kita up to 10 tona, armad wrth ftamathrower, knuckt* tp*aa. and ałactncał feałd

A rt»botic juggernaut, the I )rcadnought was built by the terror group HYDRA, but its first field trial prosed unsticcessful: directed to ktll Nick Fury, the SI UL I I) directors resourcefulness, conibat traming and arsenał of inmiaturised weaponry combined to owrwhelm the automaton.This wasift the end of the machinę, howeeer; when the Maggia crime family stole the Dreadnought blueprmts, cight morę of thesc nuchines werc built. the most

sophistu .łted being a silwr version of the robot. Numerous Super Heroes havc contendcd with these new Dreadnoughts, inckiding Iron Man. Spiih r-Man and the Fani astr Four, .iikI each time the heroes have prowd tnumphant. ad

Eight huiKired years ago. Nk.iitmarł. ruler of tł»c drram dimctiMon, captured a succubus called /hiila Char, niated with her.and then contiud hei m a pockct dnncnsion. /Julia C har was ionsumed by :■ i • b:i:> '< her daugliter. the I)reaiiK|ucen. lince i• i• ‘ \e.r. ap.o du Natiw American shaman

\ n.],i ito s ott. l selt tiaveled mto the DretpKjueens ici!m tn o* tiie skv gmłs that muld savc his tribc frtnii damghl NeUcviug the I h .u.|:i;,vn i«) fv a skv god. Nanquaio accepted a totern łkmi Jur m. i this totem, the Drcanujuceu ccmftct! NaiKjuaios tnbe v. i:h iltu matious, as a meam to esoapt* to Fart!; But het płan was thwarted when Namjujuos tnhomen des* the shatiun and borged rbc totem.

In it* em sears. the mutant I aura I >i AN smted the 1 >mmoueen s dmicnston. whuh Dean luiu.ed “I iwworld." The ( aiv.‘un Super Hero team Alpha ftK ttt inadvertcntl\ trawłed to I nrwoiId. and when they nfturncd to Karth. the 1 )ream<jtieen came with them I Iow ever. Alpha Fłights Pix k and Laura I )ean suceeedod m forcing her back to I wcworld.

By afflictingAlpha Fhght with nightmares, the Dreanujueen es*.apc*I to Larth. where siu* took « om roi ot the mimis of the people of the C 'anadt.m city of Fdmomor. But l lights | sorceressTuisv\N vlcfeated her and drovq hor troili I -th Still Ller t -e 1 ):e.uuoiK‘.:i Miied with Mnh.i I lighr ag.imst tliei: encnis. the Master. PS


Ruiar of LiveworM BASE

The cSmanaion ol Lrv«wor1d


HEIGHT Variabte, normaly

6 ft 3 In



Alpha FSght Vol. 1 967 (April 1968)

kh*»OŁ. ndudng ttw abity ic rocie Rmg Mngn. but orty wheneho»rDteworid kior xA ot l nwtórtd. cor manUty cortml the mm te and th© porcephons ot otiir bceig* and cauee them to expencnce haluclnetiom


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