Tanaka, Kenjiro
FIRST APPEARANCE Ouasar *5 (December 1989)
REAL NAME Kenjiro Tanaka OCCUPATION Fomw SHIELO agont BASE Now York Oty
HEIGHT 5 fi 10.n WEIGHT 160 Ibs EYES Black HA IR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Nonę; received combal training trem SHIELO
Kenjiro “Ken"Tanaka .ittendcd SI IIELD acadciny alongsidc Wcndcll Vaughn, who latcr bccame the cosmic bero Quasar. After graduation,Tanaka took an tmdercover position within International Data Integration and Contiol (IDIC) and bccame its director of design. He ewntually left IDIC tojoin his for mer classmate at Vaughn Security Systems.Tanaka discovered the link betwcen Wendell Vaughn and Quasar but agreed to keep the secret safe. I le now hcads up Vaughn Security Systems while Quasar is away saving the gala\y. DW
Tana Nile
FIRST APPEARANCE Thor»129 (Jon© 1966)
OCCUPATION Cotonuw oł Ffcgei BASE Rigel-3
HEIGHT 5 ft 4 in WEIGHT 110 Ibs EYES B»ue HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can incroas® her density at will.
g.vmg ber superbuman strongth and duraWity; using her mind thrust, she can contro! the actions ot another being
One of the Colonizers ofthe Rigellian Empire, Tana Nile first visited Earth for the purpose of annexing it for her people. Opposed by the mighty Thor, she was ablc to overwhelm thcThunder God. But ewntually.Thor earned Earth s freedom—much to Tana s disappoimment. Later.Tana took up residence on Earth for a dnie and acconipanicd I hor and his fellow gods on a number of adventures. She hclped locatc a suitable substitutc world for the Rigellian seat of gowrnment after the destruedon of Rigel-3. Most recently.Tana accompanied the group of young mutants and misfits called the Daydreamers on a scries of psychedelic journcys. TB
A criminal used the name Tarantula during the days ofthe OldWest, but the łirst modern Tarantula. Anton Migucl Rodriguez. was a brutal revolutionary from the smali South American country of Dclvadia.
Gowrnment oftlcials gaw hitu a costume and a variant ofthe super-soidier formula thac altercd his physiology. They intended to make hitn a symbol of their country akin to Captain Ammlk a.
The Tarantula bccame a professional criminal and assassin. After various exploits, hc traveled to New York. where be planned to rob passengers on a boat on the Hudson Riwr and hołd them ransom. SpiDUR-Man and the Pt \ishi.r thwarted his. plans.
Hc later mutated into a humanoid spider due to treatments related to Roxxon Oil. Unable to bear his transformation into a giant spider,Tarantula killed himsclf in a police standofF. His dutghter donned the Tarantula costume and teamed up with the
daughter of Batroc the
Rodngupj' vcAjntapy served The DoNadton floyommenł, yratefui for a ciwnee to tight.
Luis Ahrarez OCCUPATION Govemment assassin BASE
Dehradia, South America
HEIGHT 6 fi 1 in WEK3HT 185 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
Web of Spider-Man vol. 1 #36
Enhoncod reflexes and combot atulitles; inowasod strongth; rłłtrłłtaubto bootsęikes delwer drugs or poisons that kil or paraty7e.
Leaper hefore dying at the hands of thcTASKMASTFR.
Captain Luis Alvarez of Delvadia bccame the sccond ofłicial Tarantula, promoted by the Delvadian governmcnt to replace Rodriguez. He turncd out to be as brutal and ruthless as his predecessor. While on a mission to the United States to execute Dclvadians who had Hed the country, he came into conflict with Spidkr-Man. Alvarez was exiled from his country and latcr died when the armed vigilante team the Jury executed hitn as part of an initiation rite. DW
Erłiwx:ed reflexes and mlltary training alkiw the tarantula to mąko surgical stabs with his vo<K>mou5 boot-spkes.