FIRST APPEARANCE t*iles *1 (August 2001)
REAL NAME Magnus Lonshorr
OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 6 tt WEIGHT 177 IbS EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Abilily to marwpulato magnet ic
tields, heat, radiatłon and radio waves: w hen makes skin-to-skin
contact with other Irfeforms. he transforms Wiem into Steel.
Magnum, Moses
Major Domo
FIRST APPEARANCE Gant-size Spider-Man #4 (Apnl 1975) REAL NAME Moses Magnum
OCCUPATION Tefrorist. arms mercbant BASE Yanous HEIGHT/WEIGHT Not known EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Moses Magnum can generote v*rat»ona) force. which ho can uso to bolster his own strength and <3uratxiity or reteaso outwards to cause earthguakes.
Oncc a notcd arms merchanc, Moses Magnum s operation was dismantlcd by Spider-Man and the Punisiier. Narrowly cscaping death,
Magnum was found by Apocalypse, who offered the arms dealer power in exchange for help in fomenting chaos. Rcconstructed by Apocalypse with the power to cause shifts within the Earth s trust. Magnum attempted to blackmail Japan but was foiled by the X-Men. Displeased. Apocalypse destabilized Magnum s abilities so that he would cause eartlujuakcs simply by coming into contact with the Earth. Magnum tried to regain Apocalypse s favor through a show ot'power but was undone by the Ayi.nglrs. He was last scen plummeting toward the center of the Earth. TB
Dorn in an alternatc rcality. Magnus was the product of a union between Magneto and Roguf. Inheriting his fathers powers of magnctisin. Magnus was also born with a corrupted version of his mother s abilities— cverything he touchcd turned to sieci.
Concerned about the harm be migłu cause. Magnus becamc something ofa hermit.only to be eoereed into joining tlić H\ii,i-_s. In an attempt to tree yet another version of Magneto from incarceration, Magnus sacrificed himself whilst containing the forcc of a nuclear cxplosion. ad
FIRST APPEARANCE New Mutant* Vbl 1 *18 (August 1984) REAL NAME Magus OCCUPATION Monarch BASE Mobile
HEIGHT Variabio WEIGHT Vanabte EYES Black HAIR in true form he has no ha». but parts of his head resemwe it SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Able to grow to the s«e of a star and dostroy it. Can exi$t m outer-spaco and change his shape to that of any being or machme Can replentsh h<s Irfo energies.
The Magus is the leader of an unknown world in outer spacc populated by sentient “techno-organic" beings. a species with an organie stmeture resembling metal. Each child of i the Magus must face him in a batde to the death. hefore they reach adulthood.
One of his sons, Wariock, fled to avoid combat and joined the Ni w Mltant^. on Earth.Thc Magus canie to Earth to search for Warlock. arriving in New York. where he fought three X-Men: Colossus, NicirrcRAwiFR.and Rcx.UE.The X-Men managed to hurt the Magus. He warned them that unless Warlock was returned to him he would cause great destruction on earth.The Magus departed and has not bccn met sińce. MT
RRST APPEARANCE Longshot *4 (December 1985)
REAL NAME Major Domo OCCUPATION Principal aide to Mojo BASE Mojoworid
HEIGHT/WEJGHT Not known EYES Blue HAIR Gray SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Constantly monrtors Mojoworld s nwkets. enablmg ongoing ovaiuatKxi of his masteCs busmesses.
The sycophantic yet contemptuous aide to Mojo. the ruler of Mojoworld. Major Domos job is to ensure the smooth running of his masters household.
An android. Major I )omo provides information on and analysis of Mojo s businesses, whilc at the same time soothing his paranoid ego.These abilities make him Mojo s most prized servant. Altliough treated as nothing morę than a glorified toaster. Major Domo remains at Mojo s side. playing a key role in curbing the worst cxcesses of his master s personality. I )espite fmding Mojo repulsive. Major I)omos position givcs him almost unparallelcd influence over Mojoworld. Not bad for a mere android. AD
FIRST APPEARANCE Spider-Woman *30 (Septembor 1980)
REAL NAME Dr. Karl Malus
OCCUPATION f ormor surgeon. now cnminal scłontist BASE Los Angeles. CaMorma
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT - jSIbs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Advanced knowledge ol geoet»c
ongineoring. oxpcmse in Wochemistry, radology. and surgery.
Fascinated with superhuman beings, scientist Karl Malus became involved with the criminal mulerworld to obtain funding for his research. Malus attempted to capture the original Spider-Woman. He restored the superhuman strength ofEricJostcn (now known as At i as) and cnablcd him to grow to gigancie size.Working for the Power Broker, Malus gave many clients superhuman strength. Latcr, he became the head of the criminal organization callcd the Corporation. PS