FIRST APPEARANCE Thunóerbolta *1 (April 1997)
REAL NAME Er* Joaten
OCCUPATION Advsnturw: fotmv cnminal BASE Mobdo HEIGHT 8 ft WEIGHT 225 Ibs EYES Nonę: roplaced by contanmont sphcros for unknown enorgy HAIR Rod SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Alias can grow m wo from 6 ft to 60 ft. 'jiiporhumanly stronę and durablo.
FIRST APPEARANCE Fant* a Four #33 (Oecomber 1964)
REAL NAME Altuma OCCUPATION Bartx.' .«n eh»łt*n:
tan* rulor ot Atlantis BASE Atlantic Ocoan
HEIGHT 6 ft 8 In WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Suporhuman sirength and slanw»a. can broatbe undarwator and soo cłoarly *\ tho doptbs. expod hand-to-hand combntont and with mosl Atlantean woapons.
FIRST APPEARANCE X Mon 141 (January 1981)
REAL NAME Dominie Sj.lard Janos Potroi OCCUPATION Mombor ol lho Brothorbood ot EW Mula*>ts HASE Mobrfo HEIGHT 5 fi 7 In WEIGHT 195 «»
EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ylbrations gonerated Irom his lumds can bring down buddings and causo onrthquakes
Having used the identity Power Man and (Ic>i iath. Erik Josten joined Baron Zemci and his Mas i ers of F.vii as Atlas.The group la ter changed its name to the Tiiunderuolts. Whilc battling the criminal CoUNi Nefaria, Atlas was exposcd to Nefarias ionic bomb and bccamc a being composed of pure ionic energy. He later managed to place his ionic energy into the body of his Iow Dallas RioRDAN, and the comhincd being returned to thcThundcrbolts to battlc Grayiton. MT
Bom to the bluc-skinned race of underwater dwellers Homo Mcruianus. Attuma belongs to a tri lic of nomadic barbarians and tramed to be a . warr*or- 1 Ic has rcpeatcdly
fought Namor the Sub-_ Mariner. but has never dcfcated Inm.and often . k allies himself with
ta or human scientists.
YK Despising the ikrflE^ lUI human race. Attuma has attacked the
/li 11..A /^J surface worłd, but bccn
> onirol «>l Atlantis
after Namor abdicatcd. but was owrthrown. TB
Jeanne- Mario Beaubier OCCUPATION
Adventurer. special operathre of the Canadian government BASE Canada
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black
The Uncanny X-Men #120 (Aphl 1979)
Can run arxJ fły at supcibuman
sj>eod. Cwi |)rojeci bnyltł whito i»gii(.
Orphans Jeanne-Marie v
Beaubier and ller
separated. and Jeannc
Marie raised in yHI^
religious school for girls.
Jeanne-Marie was so unhappy she threw herself ofTa —and Nl
found herself flying.l his was the
\ !
the headmistress, but was punished for blasphemy. Jeannc-Maric devcloped a personality disorder: her evcryday sclf was introverted, but her repressed X. side was uninhibited. Five years later.Jeanne-Marie became a teacher at the school. One nigłit, Woi vfjunf saw her use super-speed to defend herself front a niugger. Wokerine introduced her to James MacDonald Hudson, who reunited Jeanne-Marie with her brother.Taking the codę nanieś Aurora and Nori iisiar, Jeanne-Marie and Jean-Paul joined Hudson s team of Canadian heroes, Ai i*ha Fi k;hi . Since then Aurora s psyche has continued to changc. even manifesting a third personality. PS
Dominie Petros was a Greek immigrant to the US with mutant powers. Calling himself Avalanche. he was reeruited into the Brotiieriiood of Evil Mutants by the shape-shifting mutant Mysticjuf and participated in the Brotherhoods first attempted assassination of Senator Robert Kelly. Although Avalanche left the Brothcrhood for a time to hlackmail California with the threat of an earthquake. hc had returned to the group when it turncd itsclf over to the US gowrtimcnt and began working as a military strike lorce.
Avalanche’s whereabouts
battling with the ^ L
H:' m i; i /’ f Wk'. zfgzjf
again when they MKJD' fi —
wcrc sucked into r jf J the black hole Imjt
head JgHM
of the mutant, ^
Xorn. AD • A