80838 TME9

80838 TME9




FIRST APPEARANCE Npwa *J .Dr-    1976T

REAL NAME r*-. iDay OCCUPATION Cnmasal maManwnd BASE Motnia


SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES H s toucn makat hts yictim* suflcapdbla to lat commands Lek to thamaaNat. thay wA baHave *i an ,K*N6tłed. perhapt amoral fatłaoo


FIRST APPEARANCE myt- Mat , • 1 *12 (Apnl 1969 REAL NAME Bat* $&&■■ JV OCCUPATION Omni BASE V :

HEIGHT ««?*’ WEIGHT    . EYES M-»t- KAIR Biac*

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ar r,c*«*łtoo p*ovłdtt prftanc#d «mwgih and dimtga r*n*ur<« can tałapoPacaly conkol v*ct*r* woarng taa «ava cViC*

C nppled m a lab accidcnt while working lor C ord Industries one ol Stark Industries1 mam nvak). soientist Basil S.indhurst bmlt Imnsdt .111 cwoskcklon powered by mcntal energy lis plac mg a sław disc on a Mi tnns head or ncik.

Sandhurst tould dircct tliat person s .utions and lcech tbeir bram power 10 charge up his suit (Mailing hmiscll the ( twicroller. S.indhurst took loinm.md ol an entire lown w uh his sław dises umil Ikon Man detcaied inni and treed all the people. Folkmmg the ( ontroUer* esc.ipe tiom theV.iult prison, the K. i Ski ii tonred Inni to aa as j meinbcr ofthe Sw leton t rew. I he C ontrotiei has also worked willi the U 1 oi I lis current whereabouts and u tis mes are unhnou n. DW

FIRST APPEARANCE X M«n *176 <Ooc«nbOf 1983)

REAL NAME Valarie Cooper OCCUPATION Charofthe Co«YHT*a>ion on Soparttorron Aclivr1*rt BASE Washington. O C HEIGHT S ft 9 tr. WEIGHT * 35 *» EYES Graan HAIR Bionda SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Htghiy rrteAgent. *!l>c>ant and to>ai supartj ngan&ar. tramad m the use oł wrupons

Special AsMst.mt to the US National Security Advisor l)r.Valerie Cooper was eoneerned about the niunber ol nuuants m the world. She feared that il control of mutant* fell mto the wrong li.mds, they tould be used as wcapons aga i nst the US.

When Mysi icjui offered the help ofthe Bkoiiiliuukh) oi Lvil Mutants,Cooper •h i epted. changing the group s name to I kfeihim boru l. I.ater, as the head ofthe * \)Mmission t>n Superiiuman A< i ivi i ifs, t ooper was the luison with the mutant team X-Factor. When Shmk>u Kim. uciit.illy eontrolled (!ooper and ordered her n> kill Mystique, Cooper imtead turncd the gun on hcrscll*. For a while she was bdieved dead, but ■Kliully survivcd this mculent MT


FIRST APPEARANCE Mutarts #96 .Fatourary 1991. *1 tha gu*M ol Dorwie* REAL NAME Van#**a Garattna Carlyala OCCUPATION Prcrfr-.-,    ~ n; ~.:an*fy BASE MotOa

HEIGHT Unravaaiad WEIGHT ym«M EYES Black w.!łi w Ni* puc- *- HAIR Witta SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES *>y* a’ a- ••V<xn» oto a dupkcatt ol anv othar parter.

Vanessa t arlyslcs imitant power to rnnslorm lier appearancc nianilested itsdl ni her earły teens. She was kickcd out bv her famiK. and tonred to make her woy on the tnean streets. She ewmualK tanie to the attcntion i>t the shadowy Mr Iollner. w Im ust d her to inlikr.ue \ F oki i in the guisc t>t’ Domino. But Copycat came to hke the tnembers ot‘\-l orre. and she coukt not go through with the plan to blow thcill up along wttli their he.ułquarters Her dcccpuon dtsemered. Copw at was torced to return to being .1 mercenary. and She met her tioinn at the haiuis ol Sm 11 * »t i i alter be mg nrtnntcd by the rcvi\rd W 1 \- n X projcct. MT

While employed by a drug company, factory w orker Jackson Day was aecidentally drenchcd with ehemu als. I hey turncd his skin blue-bl.u k. and remowd his inhibitkms aga i nst wrongiloiiig.

1 le also gained the power to contn>l the wills of others by touching riiem. As tbe Corruptor, Day turtied the Asgardian thumler god I hor into a violent menace.

However, the Super I loro Nova interwned, and togcdier he andThor caprured the Corruptor.The villain subscquently escapcd arul formed a crinun.il orgam/.ition callcd the Inner Circle. Nova remains his nuin enemy. PS



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