Collins, Rusty
FIRST APPEARANCE X-Fador #1 rFebruery 1986)
REAL NAME RuttyCoftn*
OCCUPATION Adv«ot'jror BASE X-F»Ctor HQ. New York Orfy HEK5HT 5 It 11 ki WEIGHT 160 to* EYES Błu* MAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES R i*ty Cofcns was a pyroMnebc wrth the mutenł abwty to causa (Same* to *pootaoaoo*fy generale
Lcaving a troubled home lite bchind. Rusty Collins enlistcd in the United States Navy while still underage. But his carecr as a sailor came to an end \n hen his mutant ability to generale dames tirst nunifested itsclf.
Rusty was thereafter reemited by X-Fa< jor, members of the original X-Mhn who had taken on the role of mutant hunters in order to conceal their actńitics in remnting and training young mutants. Rusty esentually gained sonie comrol over his flaming abilities, and he adwntured with X-Factors junior team. the X-Tcrminators. However, he CYencually perished due to injuries received during a battlc with the villain I Iolch ausi tb
Comet a*te« Nowi inihodotoncoof the planet Xandar.
1 larris Moore was one of the vcry first superpowered mdmduals to adopt a costume and take up the tight against crime, During an encounter with a gaseous. comet-hke objeet in the 1950s, Moore was mutagenicaliy affectcd by its rashatron. Discovenng that hc could now fl\ and tire elcetrical cncrgy from his hands. Moore dcckłed to battlc criminals on the streets ot'New York.
His new vocation was not to end well. Moore was a wcalthy indiridual —** u uh a wite and two children. but
his good life was to eonie to an end when an enemy trackcd him down to his suburban homc and attacked him and his family. While he was hospitalised and appeared to havc lost his powers, they were all thought to be dead.
Moore redred his eostunie for many yeais umil hc was eallcd upon to travel to tłie planet Xandar, along w ith other Eartli superheroes, and help its people in the fight against the Skrulls. During this battle. Moore was reumted with his son. Frank, the high tech vigilantc Crimcbustcr. Sadly. their renewed relationship was not to last long: Frank was killed during this battle while Moore latcr died during the Xandanans’ battlc against Ncbula. AD
New York Ctty/Xandar HEIGHT 5 ft 11 In
(.'iwirt \fan Max
Ma*, a rnember ot the FortMqiaan race. «fasenasod by Earth* popular cuHuro. Rev*aAng hntMir to bo an aben Mm bocamc a motfa cetobnty
On a mission in sp is o. I)r Stephen Bet kies lost concrol of his spacccraft, which entered a eomets tail.The eomets intense hcat vaporized the ship and Bcckley.
I Ioweser, within the comet was another spaceship piloted by Max. an alicn from the Colony Fortistjuc. Max used Fortisquian technology to rcconstruct Beekleys body and endow him with superhuman powers.
Returmng to Earth, Bcckley was quarantincd by David I lilbert, a member of the Brulge. an intclligcnec agency hcadcd by Beekleys brother John. the Superior. Hilbert eaptured Stephen s wite Ann and son Benny. Stephen eseaped captivity, but in her ow n cscapc attempt Ann was killed.The Superior had seientist Dr. Fishler subject Benny tti painful experiments in order to endow Inni with powers like Stephen s. Stephen found Benny, who used his new powers to kill Dr. Fishler betóre lurniiig comatose Now known as Comet Man. Stephen accompanied Max to the Colony Fortiscjue, where Bcckley mastered his powers Comet Man then rciurned to Earth. where he used his powers to awaken Benny from his eonu. PS
Dr. Stephen 8eckley OCCUPATION
Former astronaut. astronomor and astrophyeiciet BASE
finem w in
WEIGHT 190<bs
Comat Man #1
Aboul every 77 ywrs, a Fort«qu*rt spacoehip. htddon w*hri a comet, fcsvete pn&t Earth to obeerve the ptanei.
Pcaeo&Mis superhutnan strength and $e#-heo»ng ab*ty Can tuieport Iwrae# and toytfata htmeort andcflwoojects. Proiects coocw»ve en*r<7> łroin hca hands By proyec'jng part oi ht$ coneciousnoee nto peepte ani hbiher armate. he can read and oHuaoea !ł««r rmnds