FIRST APPEARANCE AveogersVol. 1 #34 (November. 1966)
REALNAME Arthur Parks
HEIGHT 5 ft 11 m WEIGHT (formerly) 125 Ibs
EYES (formerty) Bluo HAIR (formorty) Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Composed entireły of ftght. he can
travel at light spoed or transform himself inło an offens»ve laser
FIRST APPEARANCE Supernatural Thrillers *5 (August 1973)
HEIGHT 7 ft 6 in WEIGHT 650 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Blood replaced by life-presannng fluid remov»ng human need for food, walor, or sleep; enhanced strength. rock-hard body. near-immortality; kmitod mobility.
FIRST APPEARANCE SJrangę Tatos #157 (June 1967)
REAL NAMES Eqwty. Necessłty. and Vengeance OCCUPATION Guardian of the continuum of ahernate universes BASE The Multwerse
HEIGHT ri/a WEIGHT n/a EYES n/a HAIR n/a SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Immonseiy powertul; can cause a sun to go supernova by flring a single bolt of its cosmic energy
worked as a c B henchman to Mandarin. 1
FIRST APPEARANCE Marvel Grabic Novel #17 REAL NAME Ahmot Abdol
OCCUPATION Would-be worki conqueror. now liying planet BASE Form orły Egypt. now distant sol ar system HEIGHT 5 ft 6 m WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Absorbs cosmtc energy and wields it as destructive lorce: at timos able to inereas© body si2e.
Technician Arthur Parks strapped laser projectors to his wrises to betonie the costumed criminal Living Laser. Obsessed ^ with the beautiful Wasi*, he kidnapped her until the Avenc.lrs broke her out. The Living Laser cscaped from prison and worked as a criminal » for the . Batrck s Brigade. and the Lethal Lm.ion. He later attempted to implant laser diodes beneath his skin. but the process drew too much energy into his body and he explodcd. He continues to exist as a sentient being madę entirely of light. O W
FIRST APPEARANCE Avengers West Coast *63 (Octobor 1990)
REAL NAME Miguel Santos
OCCUPATION Student BASE Califomia
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 m WEIGHT 170 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Living Lightning can transform his
body into sentient etectrical energy. which he uses lor various
etfeets. mcluding to fly.
Chief N'Kantu ofthe Swarili of North Africa became a prisoner of the pharaoh Aram-Set, and organized a slave rebeUion. Althougli Aram-Set was killed. the rebelhon was erushed and N’Kantu s punishment was to be embalmcd and entombed while still alive. Preserved in a
sarcophagus for 3,000 years by mystical means. N’Kantu reawakcned in the modern era and went on a rampage before being shocked back to relative sanity when he seized a power linę. As the Living Mummy. N‘Kantu lumbers through Africa searching for meaning in what passes for his life. He aided Caim ain America during the Bloodstone Hunt. DW
The eldest son ofthe Lightning Lord, head of a radical organization called the Legion ofthe Living Lightning, who had designs on oeerthrowing the US goeernment. The Legion s plam were destroyed by the rampaging HULK, and the Lightning Lord was killed in the collapse of his hidden base. Miguel intended to follow in his fooLsteps. and excavated the Legion s base. An accident with one of his fathers devices transformed him into a being of purc elcctrical energy, who needed a containmcnt suit to remain stable.Though drivcn temporarily insane. Living Lightning eventually became a member of the;frs. TB
Egyptian acadcmic Ahmet Abdol was obsessed with the F.gyptian Pharaohs, so when a traumatic incident caused his own mutant powers to beconie evident he renamed himself the Living Pharaoh. The diseoeery that his abilities were muted by thosc of Alex Summers (ser Havok) led to many encountcrs with the X-Mf.n. during which he occasionally transformed himself into the 30-ft-high Living Monolith. Terrible destruction always cnsucd, including his daughters own death, and eventuaUy Ahmet faced up to tliis. AskingTHOR to hurl him into dccp spacc. cosmic energy gradually transformed him into a rich and vcrdant Living Planet, ad
The Livi»gTribunal has existcd as long as the unieerse itself. Its purpose is to safeguard the multiverse (the totality of all alternate univcrscs) from an imhalance of mystical forces.Thus the LivingTribunal will pass judgment on any crisis that threatens to affect the cosmic balance. It will pa*vcnt one unieerse from acquiring morę mystical power than any other.The Living Tribunal will also interwne to prevent an imbalance betwccn the mystical forces of good and evil within a single uniecrsc.
The LivingTribunal is capablc of destroying entire planets in order to maintain the cosmic balance. In its humanoid form. the Living Tribunal has three faces—its fully visible face represents equity, its partially liooded face rcprcsciiLs vengeance, and its fully hoodcd face represents ncccssity. It will only pass judgment when all the three sides arc in agreement. MT