79186 TME1

79186 TME1


FIRST APPEARANCE Avengers »62 <MarCh 1969)


OCCUPATION Mercenary. reoegade BASE Mobile HEIGHT 7 tt WEIGHT 355 Ibs EYES Brw HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Possesses suportiuman strength. agility. and resistance to injury. He « a powertul Hghtor wttose c om bal abtiity s based on that of goniłaś

takos up a battto pc»t'on at thc hcad of a

bund of his folk wers In iho Wtwo Goniła ctft.



Ciwited by scientific accident, thc Man-Beast was bom when a wolfwas placcd insidc the High Lvoi uuonaky s genetie accelerator. Despite creating an ontire evil army using the sanie devicc,the Man-Bcast was ceentually defeated by lHOK.pl.iced a shutilc. and exilcd imo space.

The Man-Beast sottglu revcnge on the when he tanded on Gounter-Karth"- a world being.There. he imroduced concept of evil and even altogether. In the years sińce, the Man-Beast bas gone imo battle several morę times. fightiug both Adam Wari ock and the Hulk.

When he attempted to raise a second army. using the Legion of Light religious cult as a front, the Man-Beast went head-to-head with Spiofr-Man.

Kepe.ued defeats have demoralized the Man-Beast. and he seeins to have disappeared froni view. ad

endiranco. and soosos, romartoWe scierwiflc abllity. parlicutdrty «i ywwlyjs and onginoonng.

Winie T’Ch.łll.1. thc Bi ack Panihfr. and kingof the warriors of the African nation of Wakanda w as away helping the Aykngers in the US,

M Baku schemed to scize his throne. Koviving thc outlawed White Gorilla cult. M’Baku killed a r.irc wbite gorilla. then bathed in its blood and •ile its Hesh, whieh gavc him the power of thc ipe. Calliug himself Man-Ape. ho battled Black Panther and his Avenger teammatcs hoth in W.ikanda and in the US. liventually defeatcd by Capiain America. Man-Ape did not try to return to Wakanda. wherc he wotild have faced the death penalcy. Instead. he teamcd with thc CIrim Rlapkr and the I.f tiial Legion to exact is revengc on the Avengers. But the kcapers raeist attitudes caused thc group to split up. MT



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