84583 TME#4

84583 TME#4


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v Puck

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FIRST APPEARANCE Ayengers *88 <May 1971)


OCCUPATION S«rvant of me Dark Gods BASE MoWe HEIGHT 8ft WEIGHT 450 tos EYES Red HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesed of supertuiman strength and durabilrty. Psyklop can also fire beams of onorgy from his eye that can hypootce an opponent, or mąko him oxpenence ifiustons.

FIRST APPEARANCE Alpha Flight Voł. 1 #1 (August 1983)

REAL NAME Eugene Milton Judd

OCCUPATION Alpha Fl»ght mombor BASE Tamartnd Isiand HEIGHT 3 ft 6 m WEIGHT 225 EYES Brown HAIR 8lack SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Superb athlete and gymnast;

formłdablo hand-to-hand combatant with unique fighting style; trainod buMghter limited knowledgo of sorcery

FIRST APPEARANCE A-nazing Spkler-Man Voł. 1 #256 (Sept. 1984)

REAL NAME Thomas Fireheart

OCCUPATION CEO of Fireheart Enterprisos; morcenary

BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft 2ln WEIGHT 240 Ibs

EYES Green HAIR Red; (as Fireheart) black

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES As Puma Fireheart has suporhuman

strength. agillty. he*ghtened senses. and slashmg claws

The devoted servant of the Dark Gods who ruled the łiarth at the dawn of time. Psyklop hibernated for millennia until called upon to serve his masters oncc morę. He tried to ofler up the Hui k as a sacrifice to his sinister lords. but was prcvented from doing so by the Avi:NCERS.The Hulk endcd up miniaturized. and tell into the Microverse. alighting on the planet K'ai. Pursuing the I Iulk. Psyklop engaged him in battle and was defcated. For his failure. the Dark Gods exiled Psyklop to K’ai. where he scemingly met Ihs end. consumed by the spirits of all the people he had slain. TB

In 1939, Eugene Judd discovercd the Black Blade of Baghdad and released the cvil sorcerer imprisoned inside. Although hc managed to etitrap the sorcerer in his own body. extending his lite considerably.Judd found that he hacl been reduced to the height of a dwarf.

Decades later.Judd was invited to join Beta and then Ai i*ha Fi.ich i , the Canadian team of Super Heroes. Given the codename Puck. in recognition of his diminutive size.Judd became a key team member. AD

Puma is the heir to a long tradition of mystical champions, created by a Native American tribe through a program of sclcctive breeding and shamanistic magie. Raised to oppose the omnipotent Bkyonder,Thomas Fireheart donned the manile of the Puma and kept his fighting skills sharp by bccoming a inerccnary, where hc often fought (or aidcd) Spiofr-Man.

Fireheart cnjoys vast wcalth^j ;ls the head of Fireheart Enterprises (a multinational that supplies Puma with higli-tech wcaponry and vohicles). but struggles for control ovcr his animalistic

Puma persona. DW




Elisabeth "Betsy" Braddock OCCUPATION Adventu rer BASE

The Xavier Institute, Salem Center. New York Stato


HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 155 Ibs EYES (current body) Wue HAIR (current body) black. dyed purple


Ceptain Britain Vol. 1 #6 (Decem ber 1976)

PcssOŁsws tetokinntic powers Can focus Iwr psionic powers inlo a ‘psyche kntfo' lo stun or kin an acfvorsary. Fomner tełepath.

Highły skirterl in martifil arts.

James Braddock, Sr. was an inhabitant of Otherworld who camc to Britain and fathered threc children.James.Jr.. Brian and Elisabeth. Brian became the hero Captain Britain, a role Betsy later briefly took over at the behest of the British government agency KCX. Blinded and nearly killed by the villain Slaymaster. Betsy was abducted by Mojo, who gave her new artificial eyes. She was reseued by the Nfw Mutams and joined the X-Mi n as Psylocke. Spiral switched the mitids of Psylocke and the Japanese assassin Kwannon into each others bodics. l)iscovering that her new body was dying, Kwannon had the crimelord Matsu’oTsurayaba kill her. Elisabeth survivcs in Kwannon s original body. Psylocke sacrificed her telepathy to defeat the X-Men s enemy, the Shadow King. Subsei|tiently, she gained telekinetic abilities. While with the X-Treme X-Men, Psylocke was seemingly slain by their enemy Vargas. Psylocke returned, howcver. and after a spell with the X-Men. joined the F.xiles. PS

Psytocko lorfHłted hor totepathe (xwers in order lo imprison the Slwdow King, ono ol the X-Mens deoOfes! foes. in the Aslml Piano.

Psyloeke’s psychic knife jppetirs front her right hand



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