Millie the Model

FIRST APPEARANCE M: l.o the Model 01 (1945)

REAL NAME Mdl.ceni ‘Miii#' Coflins

OCCUPATION Fasfaon model. aclross. business execut.vo

BASE Hanovef Modeling Agency. New York

MEIGHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGMT 137 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Btonde

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITICS Nonę but has the and grace

ot a top loshłoo model: sonie ftghtmg aNity



Cahrin Rankin

Having grown up iti .1 rural farming rowu, Millie Collins leże home for tlić* big city, where she łbund employmem as a model for ilie Hanover Modeling Agency. Over the years. Millie became involved in all sorts ofoutlnndish adventutcs, often aceonipanicd by ber photographer boyfriend Clicker Holbrook and ber rival. Cbili Storni. Millie retired from active m ode ling to run an agency of ber own. In recent years. Millies niece Misty bas becoine embroiled in comedic adventures herself. TB

The son of a research scicntist. Cal vin Rankin spilt a Chemical ovcr himself winie exploring bis fathers laboratory. He bccame able to emulate the abilitics of others, whether tbey be atbletes, scientists. or even mutant*. Naming himself Mimie, be sought to imitate the X-Men. but wben be was cventuałly found out. pROi t ssuK X imitcd Mimie to join the team.

Mimie s membership of the X-Men was sbort-lived—his arrogance madę Klin difticult to work wid)—and, following bis expulsion, hc was tbougbt to havc died battling theHuiK. AD






Mindless Ones

HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 225 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown


X-Men *19 (Aprti 1966)

FIRST APPEARANCE St'aige Tales «M27 (December 1964) REAL NAME Nonę


SPECIAL PO WERS/AB IL ITI E S All possess .ncalculable strength. near-nvulr>erabllity. and the abtlity to <<ro energy biasts from thelr cyciopean eyes.

By atosorbiog WoNedne'5 heatoifl factor. Mtfrtc actually surwed his encountor wfth th« Huł< H*s present wncroobouls arounknown.

Car hj>« ihe powors and 3MHgs (jfap Infh/fi iMdud& at a time: ;an<xily wiold

|XAW-fH Hl hfllf Strenqth

Dormamnui and his sister Uinar. master sorcerers. sought refuge in the Dark Dimension following tbeir exile from tbe dimension of the 1 altinc.There. tbcy tauglit tbe wizard-king Olnar liow to absorb other dimensions into bis own. a trick chat backfircd wben tbe Mindless Ones appeared in the Dark Dimension. Tbese soulless creatures. many thousatul strong. exist just to destroy anytbing tbat lies in tbeir path.

Tbe rampaging nionsters killeil Olnar and ran riot over tbe Dark Dimension umil Dormamnui and Umar imprisoned łbem bebind a mystical barrier. wbere tbey remain to tbis day. OW


A mutant bom with an oversi/ed cranium and brilliant mind. William lurner was curscd with tbe need to absorb tbe emotions of others. Unable to understand or control bis psyehic Ininger. be led olVbis parents. causing tbeir ileatbs. Williams liungcr continued into adulthood. wben be took to feeding offthe residents of bis apartment błock, until Seioru-Man interwned. Betore ho could exact reeenge. William had an epiphany. realizing bis achom were motiwited by guilt at bis parents'death. Aftcr developing mental illness. William bccame bomeless and was killed by a Street gang. AD

FIRST APPEARANCE Anw.ny Swdw Man Voi 1*138 (November 1974)

REAL NAME Wiliam Turner


HEIGHT 6 łt 1 in WEIGHT 210 Ibi; EYES Brown HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Foods on emolions ot others: can

cause death; can contro) othors: exlraordinanły bnlhanl



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