20691 TME6

20691 TME6



Lipscombe, Dr. Angela

FIRST APPEARANCE X Trem® X-Men *6 (D®c®mber 2001)

REAL NAME Heatber Cameron

OCCUPATION Wembor ol X Corp BASE Mumba, India HEIOHT 5 ft 10 m WEIGHT 156 lb$ EYES Si HAIR Blonde SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possossos bk> morphic ab*ty-powers adopt to circumstanc®* In past Liloguard has growrn wtngs. e*lra arrna. and d®v#łopod abitity to broath undorwator.

FIRST APPEARANCE C.host RkJer #98 (August 1992)

REAL NAME łOsfcflMa OCCUPATION Sumeria Goddess BASE Th® ShadowsKł® Oimension. Atlanta HEIGHT 6(t WEIGHT 140 Ibs EYES Yełlow HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Suporhuman strength and stamina manipulates th® dark lorce® ol the urworao. She can summon hor chikłren from other d#n®nsions. gwing thom now bodios on Earth

FIRST APPEARANCE Tne IncretkW® Hi* Vol 3 #12 (March 2000) REAL NAME Angeła Upscomp®

OCCUPATION Neuropsychologat BASE Mot»lo HEIGHT SllOin WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYES Biuo HAIR Btondo SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES G«rvus-level know-®dge of th® scienc® ot neuropsycNat/y. kind-iieorted and a toyal and courageous łriend to Bruce Banner tn his hour ol noed

Targctcd by thc Chinesc Triad, oiily che X-Mens i»tcrvcmion savcd thc* livcs of Heachcr Cameron and her brother, Davi$. Forccd to rcvcal ber

mutant abilities during this cncountcr. Hcather was invited tojoin thc X-Mcn and forsake ber career as an Australian lifeguard. As her powers developed. Hcather s appcarance changed, becoming increasingly alicn, and it becamc apparent chat her mother was a member of the Si Ii’AR race. Unable to cope with this revelation, Davis disappeared and Hcather left the team to find him.

Now working for the X-Corporation in Mumbai, it is not yet known whether Hcather has ever found her brother. AD


FIRST APPEARANCE Petor Parker, the Spectacular Sptdw-Man #1 (December 1976) REAL NAME Dr. Edward Lansky OCCUPATION Physics prolossor BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 11 in WEIGHT 175 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Lightmaster possesses the abttty to generate light, induding lasers. to create simple solid Objects out ol light. and to Iły.

In a bid to prevent budget cuts that might affect his position at Empire State Univcrsity, Dr. Edward Lansky donned a high-tcch suit designed to harness the power of light and became the criminal Lightmaster. I lis intent was to hołd various key government offieials hostage. but his scheme was foiled by Spider-Man. During the conflict, Lansky s suit was damaged, transforming him into an cncrgy being. Since that time. Lightmaster has rcsurfaccd, attempting to cash in on his ligln-based powers. But each time heroes such as Dazzler. Quasar, Cable. and the aforementioned Spider-Man have succeeded in putting his lights out. TD

I tlith is belicved to be the daughter of Aehr. the ancient god of darkness. She livcd on the island of Atlantis and survived its destruetion. cscaping in the form of a storni demon to thc desert bcyond the Euphratcs River. l.ater. Atlantean soreerers imprisoned her within the belly of a Lcviathan belies ed to be Tiamat. On cmcrging, Lilith saw a vision of thc futurę in which lier children, thc I.ilin, were defeated by Ghost Rider and Blazc.

She then travclcd through a portal to gather her children to her side. Lilith and the I.ilin later came into conflict with Doctor Si rani a., a


FIRST APPEARANCE Giant-Su:e Ch.llers VW. 1 #1 (Juno 1974)

REAL NAME Unrevealed

OCCUPATION Adventureress BASE South ol Franco HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 125 Ibs EYES Red HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Unique among vamptres. Lilith coukl walk in sunlight and was unaflected by refcgious talismen; superhuman strength; hypnotic abilities. could translorm mto a bat.

The daughter of Dracula and his first wite. Zofia, Lilith hated her father for throwing them out of their castle homc and driring her mother to suicide. Lilith was raised by a gypsy woman called Gretchin. When Dracula killcd her son.

Gretchin used magie to transform Lilith into a vampire. condemning her to bunt Dracula for the rest of her life.

For centuries. Lilith stalked and battled her father until, in a finał, climactic confrontation he tore open his shirt and goaded her to kill him.To her dismay. Lilith discovered that she was unable to slay her own father. She resigned herself to failure and withdrew to the south of France, ad

Angela Lipscombe and Bruce Banner (see Hltk) dated in medical school. but Banner broke off the relationship.jealous when Lipscombe reccived a cowted grant for graduatc study and he did not. Doctor Lipscombe becamc one of the worlds forcmost experts in the field of n euro psychiatry. Many ycars later. Bruce Banner lookcd her up in terrible distress. belieeing be had contractcd an incurablc disease. Lipscombe used the opportunity to study the bizarre and disturhing multiple personalities that Banner exhibitcd as thc Hulk. She is the partner of I )<x:

Samson. DW



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