FIRST APPEARANCE The HulK #11 (Octotoer 1978)
REAL NAME Marleno Ałraune OCCUPATION Art hratoiy student, archaeotoget. sooal worker BASE Spector Mansion. Long isUnd HEIGHT f>n 2in WEIGHT 130 Ibs EYES »uo HAIR Blondo SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Martone has the strength and agihty of a norma) woman, she o a skilied martewoman. gymnast. and hand to-hand combalant and a resourcetul crimefighter.
Marlenę was in the Sudan with ber L father, archaeologist Dr. Peter
■ Alraunc, Sr., when hc was
■ inurdercd by mercenary Raoul \
■ Bushman. Another mercenary,
■ Marc Spector. saved Marlenę s lite.
} but Bushman Icft him to dic in ą the desert. Dr. Alraunc s workers | brought Spectors inert body to the totnb of Pharaoh Seti III. Spector miraculously revivcd. aiul hc and a Marlenę returned to the US. where raj he bccame the crimefighter Moon & Marlene is his confidante, ^ girlfriend. and ally. PS
In one possible tinielinc the Aven<;eks decidc to disband, and Avengers Mansion becomes .1 tourist uttraction.Tcu years pass and Kevin Mastcrsop, son ofTliiuiderstrike, vi>hs Awngcrs ( 'ompound and leams that Jarvis has bccn holding his fathers cni hanted nucę lor him! Loki decides to stcal the mace and aci ulcmally sets m min a series of events tlut cuhninatc iii the formation ofa brand ncs\; young team of Avengcrs. related in variou$ way* to the former members. TO
Super-stroog. gonerates thunder biasts ol concussłve force. MAINFRAME
Program that ltves withm mobile armored, multi-weaponed. super-stroog robot body.
Flies. shnnks. generates bio-ełectnc biasts
Super-strong. nearty unstoppable and mdestructible.
Director of operations.
American Dream: Bluestreak; Jubilee; Freebooter: Scarfet Wrtch; Speedbali.
Avengers Compound
A-Nexl*l (October 1998)
FIRST APPEARANCE Marve) Two-ln-One Annuj! *6 (1961)
REAL NAME Jason Strongbow OCCUPATION Champion ot the Navaho Tnbe BASE Navaho Roservnt>on. Anzona
HEIGHT 6 n WEIGHT 200 tos EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Superstrength. spoed and ondurance. shoots a crossbow wrth specializod bolts.
While leading a protest against the mining of a mountain saered to the Navaho trihe, Jason Strongbow and his > brothcr.Ward. encountered II Klaw inside the minę. The } ensuing confmntation led to Klaw releasing a sonie blast that reacted with uranium in the rock and 4fi|
mutagetueally enhanced jjn both brothers. Adoptmg IeI the mamle American jgfl Fagle,Jason tracked Klaw to the S.avage Land where H he defeated the eillain with the aid of theTwiNG, and Wyatt Wingiooi , but at the cost of Warci s life. Jason returned to his tribe. and bas sińce fought cvil alongsidc the Faniamr Four. ad
FIRST APPEARANCE Marve) Two In-Ono #1 (Juno 1980)
REAL NAME Blanche ‘Błond#’ Sitznski
HEIGHT >Jft2in WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Bloode
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES AMo to stretch her Umbs. wrap them around peopu or objoets. and exort enough power to crush one-łnch thick Steel. Few humans cen break free from her grasp.
Former Steelworker Blanche Sitznski underwent bioengineering changes at the mutagenies lab ofa now defunct Roxxon subsidiary called the Brand Corporation, and became Anaconda. She used her ncw snakelike powers as a member of the Serpent Squad. retricving the Serpent Crown, an anciciu power object. After a spell as a freelance mercenary. Anaconda joined Sidewinder in a ncw criminal organization called the Serpent Sociliy. mt