76635 TME9

76635 TME9

Drew, Jonathan


FIRST APPEARANCE SpkJłf-Woman Vol 1. #1 (Af*l 197®

REAL NAME Jooathoo Drew

OCCUPATION SaantKt BASE Wjłłdagoro City

HEIGHT 6ft2«i WEIGHT tjCIbs EYES Bk»e HAIR Btack

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Br^ont soentwt who (peoahzea

m radialion and #ntomotogy-m« study ot sprders and maect*.



FIRST APPEARANCE *.'arvel Taam-Up Vfoł. 1 *68 <Aprf 1978) REAL NAME Unknown OCCUPATION Demonie b«ng BASE ExVacWT>©r!Sł0^al tow«f HEIGHT «ft 3 In WEIGHT Unknown EYES BI** HAIR Non#

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Enhancad strangth. abło to levtU*«. afcd# to maUl toor «1o oth#r b#mgs: vanoo» oth#r unrev#otod magicai ab-»tn»s.



FIRST APPEARANCE : tngers #0 Oecembta 1996)

REAL NAME C3S«*e St Commons OCCUPATION Adv#«!ur#r BASE NewYxkC*y HEIGHT S#6n WEIGHT 12SK» EYES Biue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Rocotv#s powar l«yn th# N#9»?rv#

Zon# aftowmg har to mełt mto shadows or to tataport; posscsses moor p*yctac

Dugan, Dum Dum

A giitcd scientist wuh a bcautiful wite and child. thc world was Jonathan Drews oystcr. Movmg to the Balkans with Drews collcaguc, 1 lerbert I Wyndham. his faniily was I struck down by tragedy: Drew s daughter.Jessica,

\\    y llc came crkically ill with

radiation poisoning and his wifc died mystenously. Unable to cope. Drew Hed to Fuglami. leas ing his daughter m Wyndham s łumls.Years latcr. Drew also died in tragic circumstanccs. After dewloping a radiation antidotc lor Py rot ech mes, Itu . he was killcd by his eniployers. It was lott to Jessica I )rfw—now the tirst SftDER-WoMAN- to asenge lns death. AD

Drew, Patience

FIRST APPEARANCE Vafv* Fanfar# VoM. #43 (Apnl 1969 REAL NAME Unknown

OCCUPATION Pirat# CaptaM BASE Sar^aMo S#a HEIGHT Jnknown WEIGHT Unknown EYES Bk*» HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES $k*#d #i ihe us# ot satxa«

. * xd* and pistoli, and oth#r waapons ot h#r tan# Possasa#d th# same m d#cth

Patience Drew was a pirate captain who lived sewral hundred y ears ago. She and ber crew were killed by i British ship which led them into a trap during battle. After rhey sunk mto thc S.irgasso sea. they were doomed to expcrience theii deaths forewr. Namor reseued Drew and hei ship on one of these occasions and the pair leli in love. Namor joined Drew as a pirate and she gave hini an earring to rcmeinbcr her by. Later, Namor lett her ship .md never retumed-i-.spite still weanng her earring, hc tound her skelcton the seabed and "as uncertam " hether he had cvcr known her. ED

Dspayre is an extradiinensional demon created by another demon, the Dwellor-in-l >arkness.

1 le leeds off the psychic eiKTgy of su Ile ring. Dspay re has teamed w ul*

Nici itmarf. and is attended b\ a hordę ot* snuli sersunt-beings. the Dsprkcs.

One ot I)spayres first clashes with Super 1 Icrocs took place in the Florida Evergl.ules. w here he was defe.ued by Spider-Man and Man-Thim.. He bas sińce fought Cyciops. Dtx ior Siran'GE. aml served as a member ot* the I ear Lord*, an alliance ofdemons. o w

FIRST APPEARANCE Sgt Fury and Howfcng Commando# #1 (May 1963 REAL NAME Tanothy Aioyfcu*

Cadwatadar Dugan OCCUPATION Lx-SHi€LD ag#nt BASE NtawSdfkCrty HEIGHT 6 ft 2 n WEIGHT 196105 EYES Błuo HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Fxp«rt bOx«r, wr#sl!#r marksman. and commaodo

Touring 1941 Europę as a circus strongman.“Duin Dum” Dugan encountcred Nick Fury. who was on a covert mission.

Dugan struck up a strong, durable friendship with Fury.

Throughout the war. the pair fought together in the nulitary strike lorce, the Iłowi inc.

Comm andos, and following Fury s appoinnnent as dircctor of thc govemment agency SHIHI 1), Dugan served as one of his top operativcs.

When his Health tinally hobbled him.

Dugan intended to livc out his days with lus family, but a contented retirement prowd impossible his wife was killed by a HYDRA splinter group and hc rejoincd SI 1IHI.D. AD

During a time w hen Simi >i r-Man was ac cused of murder, he adopted four separatc costumes and identities. lmluding one callcd Dusk. 1 ater, former World War II liero Black Nlarrel gave the costumes to tbur yomhs to crcatc the Slingcrs Cassie St Commons, a moody F.mpire State Umversity student Irom a rich family, became thc new Dusk. After w lut sccmcd a fatal tali. she recurncd w uh thc power of telcport.ition.The Slingcrs disbanded after *aving Black Manels soul Irom Mfphisio, and I)usk has sińce kepi a Iow profile. DW


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