73933 TME"1

73933 TME"1


FIRST APPEARANCE Alpha Fbgtit *41 (DwambW 1986)

REAL NAME Kara KUlgray*


HEIGHT :> ft 3 in WEIGHT 120 EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Has me mutant power to secrete i>sychoactlv« Wit1-Mpp»ng pherwnone* from hor poroś that allow hor to link with the mnds of others and mąko ttiom do hor txJdmg.





Inappticablo; alien bomg with

AFter lier mutant po wers emergcd. Kara Killgrave joincd Beta Flight. Aiimia Flichts training group.The group later split up. and Kara. whose codę name was Persuasion,

Every race feeds in its own way but che Technarchy s inethod is particulariy convoluted.A techno-organic race, the release oF tlieir transmode virus converts organie matter into Phaianx.a eollective intclligence lifeForm. Mcmbers ot* the Technarchy tlien teed on the Phalanx. draining away tlieir lite cncrgy.

While esperimonting on Adam Wariock. a member of the Technarchy, human scientists obtaincd a strain oF the transmode virus and tnjected ń into hum.im, hoping to create a new generation oFsentir.cl robots.T heir cxpcriment qttickly got out of contro!.Transformcd into Phalanx, their subjects began assmnlating other humans.

collectivo Intolligonco


Out er space

HEIGHT Variabłc WEIGHT Voriabk> EYES Unknown HAIR Nono


Uncanny X-Mon *305 (Octobor 1993)


went home to her mother. taking teammates Laura Dean and Goblyn with her.When Beta Flight reFormed. Persuasion was lcFt out oFseveral kcy missions. and left the team iii anger. But she rcjomed to battle Lian, the Sorcerer. and has served woli. soinetimcs taking a leadership role. She hopes to graduate to bccoinc a luli Alpha Flight member. AD

AFter the devastating siege of Stalingrad during World War II.

Russian soldier lvan Petroeich had been searching the city without success For his lost sister. As lic was walking thrnugh the city s ruins hc hcard a woman s cries From a btirniug building. As the woman died iii the Fire. she let her baby i ill into his arms. Petrovich decidcd to raise the girl as his °'vn. Slie was Natasha Romanova who •ventnally became the Bi At k Widów . Russias top spy. Petroeich, Fccling responsible For Natasha, icct>mpanicd her to America as her chauficur.

He lived with the Black Widów and Dakedevil while th e two heroes struck up a romance in San I tancisco. Flis son Yuri Petrovich brierty served as du* fourth Crimson Dynamo. He remains iii good hcalth. despite his age. DW

Fortuuateły, the Phalanx found inutants to be somewhat indigeshble. AFter capnmng a number of younger nuuants the Phalaux drew the irc oFthe X-Mi n and wvre almost destroyed.The survivors fled into space wherc they went on to threaten the Shfar Empire. AD

SentifHt biologii jI ufjpons, ihr Pluhnx

Petroyich, Ivan

FIRST APPEARANCE Amatfing Advontures Vof. 2 *1 (August 1970)

REAL NAME lvan Petrowch

OCCUPATtON Chautieur BASE Mobile

HEIGHT 6ft5in WEIGHT 300 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES )oos not pOSSOS Superpowors but

is a skiBed hand-to-hartd combatant; a retiable chauflour and

steadlast ally of the Black Widów

Transforms sontwt be*v» **0 lochno-organk; Mwforms and ass*nfe<!HS litom rto fis cdtectw Supertmmarły strong. ałso possoss ab*ty to itfeport and shopoKl«ft - inołdog tneir Hmte filo woopons or mimickioy tho oppoarance of others.



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