

FIRST APPEARANCE Fantasfic Four #363 (April 1992)

REAL NAME Unrevealed OCCUPATION Absoijto Mooarch of an unnamod worki In tho lnmvers« BASE Castle Occulus HEIGHT 6 ft 4 .n WEIGHT 290 Ibs EYES Black HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILIT1ES Gem In place of his right eyo draws energy from power crystals Fires beams of concussivo force. beat. and k«ght from bis gem-eyo and hands Car fły and form force-fiełds.



FIRST APPEARANCE K tty Pryde and Wotoyine #2 (Decembor 1984) REAL NAME Ogun


HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 146 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A master martial artist and oxpert swordsan. As a spirrt. Ogun can possoss tho bodies of others. and ■s immune to physical harm.

Omega Red


FIRST APPEARANCE X-M©n Vol. 2 *4 (January 1992)


OCCUPATION Oimolord BASE Crimetord

HEIGHT 6 ft 11 In WEIGHT '.25 Ibs EYES Red HAIR Btonde

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses enhanced strongth and

mutant healing factor. body socrotes deadly pberomooes; has

carbonadlum coils Impłanted in arms.


During a ferocious battle bctwcen the X-Mi n and Ma(.neto’s Acolytes. pROfissou X succeeded in tcmporarily shutting down Magneto s brain.

In the place wherc their minds touched. Xavier s own dark fears, doubts and frustrations comhined w ith Magnetos anger and lust for rcvcngc, to form a new hcing-Onslaught.

This crcature lay dormant in

Xavier s niind for sonie time, only manifesting itself when the Profcssors own frustrations came to the fore.When Onslaught fmally took ovcr the Professor s body. the X-Men quickly realised what had happened. However. they were unabłć to prevent Onslaughts capture of Franklin Richards, the son of Reed and Sue Richards, and a mutant with reality-altering powers. IncYitably. Onslaughts aetivitics came to the attendon of the F antastk Four and the Aylnt.lrs. Although Xavier was eventual!y freed and Onslaught was destroyed. the cost was significant -many Super Hcroes wcre catapulted to a pocket universe. only returning to the Earth scveral months later. ad

Not applicable OCCUPATION Would be wor1d-conqueror BASE

New York Crty

WEIGHT 900 Ibs


i By trapping Franklin [ Richarcłs msido his i borty. OnsJaughl ' coukJ tap into the boy^poworto

Occulus and his brother Wildblood wcre children ofthc Inniversc, a dimcnsional piane that exists bctwcen the subacomic particles of mattcr. Like all their kind, they wcrc tcstcd by the Gem Gm ki to see i f they possessed the ability to manipulate the power gems that supplied their world with energy. Occulus had the gift and joined the Guild. I Ic grew in power umil hc ruled his entire world. When Wildblood cscapcd to Earth, soldiers sent by Occulus to capture hini also kidnapped Sue and Franklin Richard*. Occulus intended to use Franklin s psionic abilities for his own ends. but Mk. Fantastk arrived with the rest of the Fantastic Four to rescue his wife and son. TB

A legendary sorcerer and warrior who may have been bom as carly as the 17th century, Ogun trained Wolverine in the martial arts. Originally a inan of integrity, Ogun was eventually corrupted by the dark sorceries that kept him alive and invulncrable to harm. and he turned to the pach of evil. As revenge against his fornier pupil. Ogun mcntally enslaved Kitty Pryde. training her and sending her to kill Wolverine. But Wolvcrine ultimatcly freed Kitty, and together they siew Ogun s physical form. 1 Iowcvcr, Ogun survived as a spirit. bound to the demon mask hc once wore. and now can possess orher bcings of weaker will and employ them as puppets m the materiał world. TB

Omega Red is the product of the Russian KGBs attempt to create a Soviet super-soldicr.

The test subject, former serial killcr Arkady Rossovich. gaincd mutant powers after rccciving carbonadium implants and genetic trcacmcnts, though complications requircd him to drain the lifc-energy of victims to survivc. Placed in suspended animation by the Soviets.

Omega Red reemerged after the fali of Communism and sought a carbonadium synthesizer to stabilize his condidon. He

leads New York s Red Mafia. DW

Onstaught possessed Xavwr’s mon tal abftties combfnad with Magrwto‘s powors ot magnetem. He was ab<e to induce dlusions. omnesta. or puralysis. and manipulato mognotc fołds. He also had powers of telełonosis and aslrai prajeclion.



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