FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four #211 (October 1979)
OCCUPATION imersteliar traveiler BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft 6 tn WEIGHT 2.750 Ibs EYES Gray HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Body covered wrth suppłe. rocky Shell; animates rock and commands it to do his bkJdmg; lifted Manhattan into orbit around Earth.
FIRST APPEARANCE -on Man #53 (June 2002)
OCCUPATION Criminal leader BASE CNna HEIGHT/WEIGHT Unrevealed EYES Brown HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Supremo martial artist; harnesses tho powor of his Chi to periorm foats ot incredible strength. speed and agiWy; possesses the Mandarin'* ten rings ot power
The illcgitimate son of the criminal mastermind known to the world as the Mandarik, Temugin was raiscd in a remote monastery, where he was trained virtually from birth in the sccrcts of unlocking the inner power of one s own Chi, or spiritual life-forcc. Although he had littlc contact with his father during his upbringing, when Temugin receivcd a package containing the Mandarins ten rings of power (each ofwhich endowed the wcarcr with a difTerent .ibility)
■dong with his dead hands, he learned that the Mandarin had becn killed in battle with Iron Man. and he felt honor-bound to avengc his death.
Rcluctantly taking over the rcins of the Mandarins criminal empire.Temugin has clashed with Iron Man on a number of occasions, but has not yet discharged this honor-debt. TB
FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Foor Vo) 1 #269 (August 1984) REAL NAME Terminus OCCUPATION Destroyer of worlds BASE Mobile HEIGHT 150 ft WEIGHT unreveal«d EYES inappiicabie HAIR Nonę
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Immeasurable strength. nearty indestructibłe: can regenerate body parts: carries a lance that frres atomie energy
Terminus is an intelligent crcation madę from living metal, grown by the alien Terminex in a failed attempt to protcct them from the Celestials. A continuum ofTermini exist, from Stage 1 metallic microbcs to the Stage 4 behemoths represented by Terminus. Taking revenge on plancts that the Celesdak had spared,Terminus clainied Earth for his own but met defeat at the hands of the Fantastic Four.
The I )eviant called Jorro wore the Terminus armor and destroyed the Savage l.and. Terminus defeated a duplicate and emerged as the Stage 5 "Ulter minus.” only to be vanquishcd by Thor. dw
Galactus the workl-dcvourcr was looking for a new hcrald who would havc fewer qualms than the Silver Surff.r about finding worlds to satisfy his insatiahle liunger. For a time, he thought that Tyros, a tyrannical ruler from the planet Birj. would he a suitablc candidatc. Galactus was wrong. Dcspite bemg provided with new improved powers. Tyros, rcchristcned ’lerrax.
remained a rcstless, rebellious
soul. It was not long before he had betrayed his overbearing master.
Terrax travcled to Earth. where he held the whole of Manhattan hostage. A happier creature nowadays. Tcrrax has been freed from Galactus and idles away his time travclling among the stars. ad
FIRST APPEARANCE Daredevil #305 (June 1992)
REAL NAME Unknown (possibly Shreck) OCCUPATION Crim«al BASE San Francisco HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 170lbs EYES Vanabie HAIR Nonę
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Able to repiace parts of h»s body
wrth those of humans Cr animals. gainrng the po wers of those body parts. as well as the# “memories." If Terror takes a body part from a superhuman bemg ho gams that bemg's powor Fłomoves Hmbs or other parts by generatmg a spec tal acłd that allows hlm both to tear off a body part and to bond ft to IMS own Expert with firearms.
At sonie point in the distant past, the virtually indestructibłe bemg now known as Terror battled a green bear-shaped demon.The only way to defeat the demon was to sacrifice his own form. but in doing so he took on the form of the dead demon. He also gained the demon s power to bond the limbs of others to his body. His body is now madę up of a collection of dead or decaying body parts. Now his associate Boneyard helps him collect body parts. He was also befriended by a half-human, half-demon being named Hcllfire. Terror formed 'Ierror Inc..an assassination burcau. MT