Miracle man
FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four #3 (March 1962)
A brilliant illusionist and stage magician. Miracle Man most likely had sonie mutant abilities. I )uring a performance, he spotted the Fantast ic Four. in the audicnce and hegan taunting them about how much greater his powers were tlian theirs. Hnraged, theTin.NC. challenged him but was outdone by Miracle Man s abilities. Ałter escaping from prison following a crime spree. Miracle Man studied the mystical powers of the Cheemuzwa or the Silem Ones. Using his newfound powers, Miracle Man remained a constant and powerful foe of the Fantastic Four umil he was sliot dead by Scoukge. MT
Missing Link
FIRST APPEARANCE -crediBle Hutk *105 (July 1968) REAL NAME Lincoln Bnckford
OCCUPATION Mino* BASE Lucifor Falls. West Wgirua HEIGHT/WEIOHT Not known EYES Yeflow HAIR Nono SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses supertiuman strength and doraba/ty. H« coro ts radioactive. and ho can 0(0,-oct heat trom his epidormis.
^ Neanderthal man boru millennia ago. the Missing Link was accidentally sealed in a cavc, whene a niysterious mist kept him in suspended mimation. I le was awakened łrom lns sleep by in atomie test tliat ehanged his molecular structune. Not understanding the modern worki which he found himself. the Missing Link went on a rampage and battled the I Iu k. Seemingly destroyed. the Link reconstructed mnself, and was found aml adopted tlu* kindly Brickford tamily. rhey ealled him Lincoln d got him a job in dic local mines.After Uirther battles with dic Mnlk. he was •nrned ovcr to the •iiuhorities. TB
Madeline was the ward of radio tycoon James Bcnnct. A scientist sponsored by Bennet elaimed to have invented a device that gave him superpowers.
Madeline tampered with the device during an clectrical storni and gaincd the ability to fty.
Madeline chose to use her gifts m the
scryicc of her country. $hc became the costumed adventurer Miss America, fighting foreign spies and saboteurs alongside super-speedster the Whizzer.
Miss America and the Whizzer joincd the Liberty Legion at the invitation of Capia in Amfrk as sidekick Bueky. then became members of the Invai>ers when the United States entered the Second World War. Aftcr the war, the Imaders ehanged their name to the All-Winmrs Squai>.
Miss America and the Whizzer married. In 1949. the two took jobs at a government nudear facility. Sabotage exposed them to dangerous levels of radiation. and Miss America s son, Nuklo. was bom a mutant who was kept for decadcs in suspended animation.
Years later. Miss America gave birtli to a stillborn child at the I Iic.h Lu »i i i ionary s Wtindagore Mountain. Madeline did not survivc the stress of giving birtli aml was buricd at the mountains base.
The Invaders
Miss America, seen herc with fcllow Imaders the Sub-Mariner and the Humań Torch. was one of the tirst female costumed adventurers.
She was announced in the press as the female eqnivalent of Captain America, and she served as a public icon w inie aiding the lnvaders in eombat against Hitlers armies during World War 11. D W
Madeline Joyce Frank
Miss America
HEIGHT 5 ft 8 in WEIGHT 130 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Auburn
Marvel Mystery Comics Vol. 1 #49 (November 1943)
On an attotroto Earth, Miss Amenca and tho Irwactors in
thoir rcłos tong post WW».
REAL NAME Unreveaied
OCCUPATION Stage magioan BASE New York. Cheemu/wa HEIGHT 6 ft 4 in WEIGHT 220 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Master hypnotist. able to mesmerize people with a gianco and make them see what he wants. occasionaly teteAmesis. animatmg objects, and restructunng matter.
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