71766 TME8

71766 TME8


FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four #377 (June 1993)

REAL NAME Huntara Richards

OCCUPATION Guardian of tho Sacrod Timelines BASE Elsewhen HEIGHT 6 ft 2 In WEIGHTl85lbs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/A8ILITIES Psionic scylhe cuts through almost any materiał, hres concusswe bołts and teleports hor botween d«mensions and across space. superior athlete and combatant

Huntara was boru on an alternate F.arth. The daughter of Nathanicl Richards and the half-sister of Mister Fantastic, she was taken to Elsewhen, a barbarie alien dimension. Huntara was trained in the arts of war and combat alongside her nephew Franklin and they both became Guardians of the Sacred Timelines, who


Condcnmed to a humdrum life on a struggling Family farm in WcstVirginia, Paige Guthrie cnvicd her elder brother who, as Cannonball, had forged a cm-er aniong the Ni:\v Mutants team. Altliough she underwent a mutadon of her own, Paige kept this hidden umil she was forced inio a battle of wits with the Gamesmaster. I his mutant with psionic powers had formed the Upstarts. who specialized in assassinating mutants. Paige s intcrvcntion freed her brother and

Husk, Archangel and Iceman aro surrounded by a pack of slavering woli mon.



Paige Elisabeth Guthne




New York State

HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT 127 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black


X-Force #32 (March 1994)


prevent and repair dnie paradoxes.

Wlien her father created a ume paradox by cxchanging the teenager Franklin Richards with his younger sclf, Huntara was forced to journey to this timeline where she eventually met the Fantastic Four. She later returned to Elsewhen and resumed her duties as a Guardian. TD

scverał of his frieildś from the Grandmaster’s clutches.

Shortly afterward. she was caprured by Phai ANx.an alien collcctive intelligence, along with scveral other young mutants. Its cłfort to assimilate theni into its consciousness was foilca and Paige was itwited to join the Xavier Imtitute s new school. Massachusetts Academy, and hecome a member of Generation X.

Paige subsequentlyjoined X-Cori»s, helping to police mutants in Europę, and then went traveling with Archanc.ki .

Her dream of a life of advemure had been realized. AD

A niutanl mafamorph. Husk can shod skin and transform iwr body into any form with simaar or less mass. She frequentły tums her body into o difloront substance. such as Steel or słone, taking on the proijerties of that sobstanco. for examf)le inereased strongth.

Hunter, Stevie

Stcvie I Iunter was a ballet danccr, umil a broken leg forced her to retire. She became a dance instructor and opened a school in Salem Center, New York State. Professor Charles Xavicr s School for Giftcd Youngsters, the hcadquartcrs of tlie X-Men, was locatcd nearby. One of Xavicr*s students, Kitty Prydo, began taking lessom at Hunter s school. Evcntually. Hunter discovered that Xavier’s students were mutants. Xavier hired Hunter to be a physical trainer and therapist at his school.

Hunter has sińce returned to operating her own dance academy. ps

Husk uart off her skin to

FIRST APPEARANCE The Uncanny X-Mon *139 (Novemb«r 1980) REAL NAME Stephanie “Stev»e” Hunter

OCCUPATION Dance instructor BASE Salem Center. New York State HEIGHT 5 ft 9 in WEIGHT 121 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR D.irk brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A tatented dancor and athlete and an excellent dance teacher



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