FIRST APPEARANCE i JTlastc Four Wał. 1 |Novwto«r 19tó. REAL NAME UnmwM
OC CU PATIOM Adnwuftlrator BASE Attian. biu« Are*. the Moon HEICMT enSln WEIGHT 450 toa EYES Browi HAIR Dek SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES powartui «gs M
hoovee gwe him the at>«Y to cr«at» soesmic trwmoni
rorgon is a niember of the Inhuman royal fanuly and a cousin oftheir ruler. Bt ACK Bot r.
Like all Inhumans. Gorgon underwent exposurc to the mutatingTerrigen nusts as a youth and gaiiK*si hooves in place of tcct. eomplete with kinctic-rclcaso powers capablc of creating sctsmic tremors nieasuring up to 7.5 on the Richter wale. Gorgon fled Attilan during the Inhumans* war agamst the Trikon. wandering F.arth and encountering the Pantmtic Fouk. Later.
Gorgon and Karnak teamed with Darfdi yh iii i seareli for Black Bolts son. He is not to be ■ *>jjfu\ed with the Japanese viltain ealleil Gorgon who was reccntly killed by Wolytrjm . dw
Grant, Gloria
Gloria ‘Gkyy- Grant OCCUPATJON
Model Glory Oram bdriendcd Peter Parker when ihey bod) livcti in an apjrtmcnt bousc on Manhattan s ower West Sulc. Grant was looking tor work. and Peter, a ftcebnec photographcr for the Daily Hugle, suggested she apply to be the papors publisher J.Jonah | ami s< >n’s sccrctary. a post rcecntly eacatcd by Betty Brant l.i 1.1 »s.
The ira\< iblc Jamcson likcd Gram and she beeame Brant \ replaccnient.
Mcxican erimelord Esluardo I oho sedueed Grant t*> obtain the Buglrs tiles t>n his enemy, the Kikc;i'I\: iii timc.
(•rant and 1 oho tell genuincly in lovc.
1 )uring a battlc between Simdur-Man and I oho. Grant tried to shoot Spider-Man. but shot and killed Lubo instead.
Later. Grant was posesed by the spint of the \txxloo sorcercn Calypso as pan of the lattcrs plan to return to lite. Grant bas enjoyed a morę successful ronuntie rebrionship \\ith Randy Rimiłrtson.Jocn son. PS
HEIOHT b ft a «n WEIOHT 120 lb$ EYES Brown HAIR Black
The Arrmung Spkhr-Men 9 140 (Febrwry 1975)
>4gr*y otSort tccrHand tk*s.
nckłdng l>pinQ antl OOffipuh* Outgong r omamie. and warm-hearted, preparnd to do oimom wiythłno to hot> th© nun shetovoa.
HRST APPEARANCE A^—jors V<* 1 *1S» (ApnJ 1977)
Immortal; team loador
REAL NAME Franklin Hall OCCUPATION Cnminal BASE Mobile
HFIGHT Ofl 1 m WEIGHT 200 *» EYES Wue HAIR BUCk SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Control owr grayity ałows GraWcn • v t,«!r ob^ets. ganoratc forc# f*'ds and shockwave*. and pn
oroonents to the ground.
I anklin Hall, a Canadi ai i researeher. gaincd absolute ■ <ntrol over gravity in an u udem involving a particie tclcrjfor. Dubbing himsclf (»raviton. Ile raiscd the laboratory thousamls of tcct m the air in a demonstration *> his power. umil put in lns place by the Avfn<;lrs.
In subsesjuent adwmures.
• aviton fought thcTuuNDnoioLTs. Simdir-Man. •I the West Goast Awngers (stt Avengers.W^cst •ast i.and was the objeet ofworship by the alien ’’ ‘h during a stay iii an altcrnatc dimension. •espite his abilities. Graeiton has a dccp-seated •d tbr approv.il that makes him both inseeure
Fornicd by Craig I Iollis (Mr. Immortal) the GLA was a sclf-proclaimcd braneb of the Aeengcrs based in Wiscomin. Much niocked in the pass and by other Super Hcrocs for their bizarre powers. bek of common sensc. and high tnortality ratc. the GLA insjsted on remaining together. Fach when the team \avod the chdrc Multiecrse from destruction their succcss was totally overlookesl on the cvcning news.The groups bills arc met by Big Bertha. whosc alter ego. supermodcl Ashley (‘rawtbid. earns largo >ums modelling. Other misfit members have includcd: Scjuirrcl Girl. Lcather Boy. Monkcyjoc. 1'ippy- Ioe and
1 Mr tmmortol
2 BtgSeriK-i SOnahSoar
4 1 itror,
s Doi "'*ii
The West Coasf Ayengers 946 (Juty 1989)
Al on ftyirsg ropWe. attacks with high-płtchod shnok.
Controls body mass; altornates botwoon supor-obesłty and strongth and supormodol skinniness.
Can teioport soM and others into thonext room.
Two*dimensk>nal mutant with ©.astlcatod body.