FIRST APPEARANCE Strange T.:-% *138 ;Nov*mb*r 1966i
REAL NAME Ineppfccal*? .1 • ' Adam Qu**i»on OCCUPATION Non*; abttract entfty BASE Inappłcable HEIGHT toapplicAWa WEIGHT łnappAcabta EYES tnappkcat** HAIR toappacctt*
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Unbmrtad abtty to man*xisto t*na. spać* mattac, ©nergy <x magie *or «ny purpoa*
Eternity is the coUcctiw conseiousness of all lite and is dependent on the many trilhons ofbeings withm u. It exits ewrywherc simuluneoiish. Eternity ean take on humanoid form when it deigns to commtmicate with sorcerers and the like. Eternity once auicd Doc TC>R Sl RANGI against Dormammu. and Strange then helpcd Eternity cscape Ni< .h i marf. s ehitches.
To have a greater uiKlersunding of humaimy. Eternity has occasionally walked the Earth. using the name Adam Qu,ulmon.
Dorn in the Asgardian province of Skornhetm. Skurge was the child of a goddess and a Storm Giam. Although ostracized by the Storni Giants tor his smali height (he was onh 7 ft tali), the Skurge became a great warrior. Turning against his father s pcople, Skurge kitfed many of them during a Wood\ war. earning himsclf the sobriquct "The Exeeutioncr.” 1 ic tell under the En<tiantress’ spell, serving her in various bids to donunate Earth and Asgard. In time. Skurge realized she was just toying with Inni and rejeeted her.
C )n a misMon to the realni of Hela with Thor. Skurge restored his reputation by tighting to free mortal souls troili tlus land ofthe dead. Skurge died a heros death, guarding the cscape ot I liors łon es AD
Superpowered defender oł Earth-616.
Phases through solid odjects.
(Rachel Summers-Grey) Telepathy; letokinesis: projects force bołłs.
LOCKHEED Breathes tire and fkes.
Bascd at Captain Bkij vns ligbthouse. the Excalibur team of Super Heroes was tbrmed fbllowing the X-Mfn’s apparent deimsc at the hands o(the Awprsary. With a basc łocated not just on the shoie. ofthe UK. but also at the nexus of several realities. many of their battlcs have bcen fought across multiple altcrnate workłs. For instance. Kxcahbur has confronted the Crazy Gang on Murderworld and its alternate uniwrse counterpnrts. the N.izi l.ightning Force.
Excałiburs unity has often been undermined by romamic tensiom Whcn Nicirrc rawłer dcvdoped łeclmgs for Captain lkitain s lover.
Meggan, friction grew withm the team. culniituting in a brawl berween the two
men. Ultimately, it was che rel.uionslup betu een Captain Britam and Meggan tli.u w as to bring the team to an end— w hen the pair marned the reuuimng team members dccided to dishand. Over time.
E\caliburs lineup has evolved. AD
Excakbun The SwoaJ
ExcaKw mtwiorfe are byewtte for uncOc trawa! to a*or worki* and otherworicty cfcmenwofB.
HEIGHT 7 ft 2 m WEIGHT 1100 Ibs
A iru»tor oi co>nt>at Sup«tk*TVir stroryjth and stamra. wnłdod a mageai doubie-btaood ax* W3t can ] Otooto d»nfift*xvil rOs enubhng trno tr3voi and afco vod Łte4t* o ntow he«f ty cold; awo
po&MttM<d <in ijrlUHdtoitAł hoknert