FIRST APPEARANCE New Mutants Anrwel #1 i19#4i REAL NAME L«a Owwy OCCUPATION Songstress. thwt BASE ADysonsphere somewtienj m tho Mdky Wey Gaiaxy HEIGHT 5 ft 8*ł WEIGHT 'Cite EYES Bk* HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABH.ITIES L ia Cheoey possasses the mutant ab*ty 10 leiepart hersełl and dher peopło and otojects ov* mtergaiactic dmtanoee
An acclaimed rock singer on Earth. Lila Chency simultancously pursued a sery ditlcrcnt carccr among the stars l-.mploying het mutant gift to tclcport herself. Lila gained a reputation as one of the forcmost thieses in the uniwrse. Shc was an ally of the Ni m Mi lants, and a romance with Gsnnoniiam led ller (o curt.nl Ik-t
i 1 i ;
to be scen r iCy*5Łk
whether she has
outlaw lite for good. TB
RINGMASTER (Maynard Tibott). STRONGMAN (Bruno Otafeen), CLOWN (Eliot -Crafty” Franklin), FIRE-EATER (Tomas Rarmrez), THE GREAT GAMBONNOS (Ernesto and Luig:), HUMAŃ CANNONBALL (Jack Puh/er). UVE WIRE (Rance Preston). PRINCESS PYTHON (Zekia DuBois). RAJAH iKabe Mahadevu). TEENA THE FAT LADY (name urxeveeled)
Wre po»MW «i«ioctnlPil
red on the planet. /1 *1 ^---w-^
Chthon and bis sister T ^
probably heJped create Earths land nusses as they appear today.
v_ tteing a scholar. Chthon wroce upon a parclnnent .iii ML the mystical knowledgc ofrhc world he lud acquired to tltat point Tlns docuuicnt became known as the I )arkliold. ( hthon lioped to usc the Darkhold as a way to manipulate Karthly pawns, as \vell as a inagical M talisinan tliat eould fiinction as an Earthły portal, enabling aL Chthon to one dav return to Earth. MT
C >perati«g under many dilferent
commereial names, the Circns of Crime is constantly travcling around tlić country They unully enter a smali towu and gh-e awav a large quantity of ftw tukets m order to ensure a fuli houte. Once the show łus begun. the Ringmaster uses a hypnotic devicc in his top hal to place the audicnce in a drep trat>cc.The audience is rohhed and sometiincs the entire town is looted A post hypnotic suggestion usiully prernus the Rtngmasters victims from identifying any members of the C 'mus or from remembenng any details ol the crime. They only rccall having lud a great time at the circus!
____-jZtT\ I Jespite the Ringmaster s
skills. and thosc of his V•U'Ł*0|1|P^U''^s* the (!ircus has not always got awas with its mass NA , robbenes.W hen the Y.'\ \\ Ringmaster tried to tum Hui k / j I into a monstrom attraction. he
was unable to liypnoti/e the enraged green giant with l 40^ meviiable results tb
Twr HOu-a n*fm.W
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MWOUt TH- _ : <now I«f-r‘M
An unknown extrad/r»onsłonal reakn
HEIGHT Unknown WEIGHT Unknown EYES Red HAIR Nonę
Chthon !$ a trińilGf ot the ionaa ot magie on a scate be/ond honor compnrfiersiion In hte own dmonawn, ho has abaokto contro! ovor *very aspoct ot thot
drnensionfc reaiity
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tw onhr fiAhijd k» crrrm wbor Im smal Istno