FIRST APPEARANCE T>x5 Champóons #14 (July 1977)

REAL NAME Frltz Vbn Meyer

OCCUPATION Scientist. conqoeror BASE MoMe

HEIGHT 6 ft 5 in WEIGHT Uwevealed EYES Nonę HAIR Non©

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Von Meyer's conscaousness can

montally control a mutant queen boe. and through her. vast numbers

FIRST APPEARANCE Howard the DucK »1 (January 1976) REAL NAME Boverty Switzler OCCUPATION Former art model and actress BASE Cleveland. OhK>

HEIGHTWEIGHT Unrevealed EYES Blue HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES As an art model, she can stand

FIRST APPEARANCE X MEN «36 (Scptember 1994)

REAL NAME Everett Thomas

OCCUPATION Student BASE Massachusetts Academy HEIGHT 5 fi 11 m WEIGHT 166 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black (shaved bald)

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Ablo to take on the superhuman

of mutant bees.

pedeetty stlll.

powers ot others while they remain n his immediate vicinlty.

Tho Swordsman was a słdled swordtightw and combatant An oxpert in all bioder) weapons. ho usualy carried a sot ol lłvowing krwos as wsi as fw sword. He was obu a suporb aUdete and cacołlod in unanned combat.

Tl* identrty ol the $v/ordsman has twcomo a leęjacy. passing botwwen charactecs bot always retamoy a swashbucWing skil wńh a ttocJe


Z FACTFłLE < REAL NAME ^ Philip Javert p OCCUPATION Adventurer O BASE £ Mobile

HEIGHT 6 ft 4 in WEIGHT 250 Ibs

Avengers Vot. 1 »343 (January 1992)

The original Swonlsman,Jacques I )uQuesne, left hisjob in a circus to pursue a lite of crime. He joined the Avenclrś as an agent of the evil MANDARiN.but came to adniirc the team and refused to help desiroy them. The Swordsman died saving Maniis from Kanc; hie Conquhi<or.

Philip Javcrt was the sccond Swordsman. From an alternate univcrse. he was the dimcnsional countcrpart ofJacques DuQuesne. Betrayed by the Avengers from his own timeline,Javert initially battled tliis worlds Awngers but then joined them as the new Swordsman. I ater. he and Magdalenę left for another dimension.

A third Swordsman came from the Counter-F.arth creatcd by Franklin Kichards in the Heroes Rehorn incident.The fourth Swordsman (Andreas Von Strucker) servcd in the *

Thundlriiolts. o w

After World War II Nazi scientist Fritz Von Meyer studied bees in South America. He was attacked by a colony of bees whose exposurc to radiation V*    v .. had givcn them unusually high

iiitęlligence.Von Meycrs body was consunied, but his ^'consciousness survivcd aiul tbok control of the bees, which swarnied in the eonfiguration of a human v body around his skclcton. Thus was crcated Swarm. Seeking world conquest. has battled the

Ghampions of l os Angeles, the original Simdfr-Man.

Ben Reiłly as Spider-Man. and the Runaways. ps

A former art model. Bcverly Switzlers liii-was tninsformcd by an encounter wich that cxtradimensional waterfowl, Howard tht Dl*c:k. After Howard reseued her from Financial Wizard, Pro-

Rata. the p.iir began a lite together in Clewland, Ohio.Thiiigs werciu easy—they had difficulty paying the rent and, despite Howard\ desire for the quict lite. they were constantly getting embroiled in the shenanigans ot nefarious characters. Docior Bono proved to be the most intransigent of these. I listing after Bevcrly, he ewntually foreed her to marry him. but when Ir* failed to consummate tlieir relationship she returned to Howard and had the marriage annulled. A D

When teenager Hverctt Thomas’ mutant power emerged the entity I Iarvest tried to experiment on him.

Reseued by F.nima Frost (the Whitc Queen).Jubilee. and Saiirl rooTH, Thomas joined willi them to trec I Iusk. M.

Skin, and Biink from Harvest.

I£vcrett enrolled at the Massachusetts Academy, joining Gkneration X as Synch.While battling the villain Emim ate, who fed ofl" the bonę marrow ot* mutants. Synch hecame a creature like Empiatc himself. I le was reseued trom F.mpl.ues influence by his te.unmates. Synch sacriliced lus lite to save the Gencration X stiulents by trying to disami a bomb plantcd by Adrienne Frost. ekler sister ot*Emma Prost, at the time Gencration Xs headmistress. mt

Jaaioas DuOoesr ; des In Mentel ani



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