FIRST APPEARANCE Daredesil Vol. 1 #176 (November 1981) REAL NAME Urrevealed OCCUPATION Sensei BASE Moble
HEIGHT 5 ft 9 m WEIGHT 135 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR White SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Martwi ans oxpert: 'proximity
FIRST APPEARANCE SpKtef-Girt «1 (Oclobor 1998)
REAL NAME Cassandia Lang OCCUPATION Adyenturer BASE New York City {Earlh-982) HEIGHT 5 ft 5 In WEIGHT 106 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Reddish-bloodo SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Synthetic wing .mptents enable
FIRST APPEARANCE Thor Vol. 1 #404 (June 1989)
REAL NAME Marcus Stone
OCCUPATION Potico otficer BASE New York City
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 In WEIGHT 225 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Batd
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES A dedicated and teoacious police
sense" allows him to detect others despite his blindness: some telopathic abiMies: an inspirationai teachor.
flight: armourod costume protects from harm. possessos ability to shrłnk to the size ol a wasp.
oflicer who nover gives up on a case: an expert marksman and hlghfy tramed hand-lohand combatant.
Codę: Blue. a special New York City strike-force that takes on SuperVi!lains. TO
FIRST APPEARANCE Iron Man Vol 3 #37 (Fobruary 2001)
REAL NAME T.bonus “Ty" Słone OCCUPATION Owner of Wastone. a multmationał Corporation BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 210 Ibs EYES Błue HAIR Blond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Bnmant business stralogist: a totaliy ruthless sociopalh. duven by jeaiousy and revenfle.
Siick, who carncd his nanic chrough his skill at wielding a combat start", was the sensei ofan elito warrior school despite being blind.When young Matt Murdock (sec I )akedevil) lost his vision in a toxic waste accident, u was Siick who taught him how to develop his reniaining senses to compensate. Stick also traincd the assitssin Ellkika: however he expcllcd her when she proved unable to control her ragę in combat. When the ovil ninjas ot" the Hand attacked Stiek and his allies. Sttek absorbed the lite csscnces of his attackers into
______ his body; unłbrtunatcly the strain
ot'this act killed him. OW
FIRST APPEARANCE Daredewl #8 (Jurto 1965)
REAL NAME W4bur Da> OCCUPATION CrimlnaJ BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 tl 10 in (variable)
WEIGHT 185 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Legs of armored costume can extend up to 60 feet in length; costume also eon tai ns a formidable array of burft-in weaponry..
While working as the assistant to seientist Carl Kaxton.Wilbur l)ay madę off with the imentors revoIutionary new hydraulic ram technology. Ailapting the dcvice in an armored costume. Day hecame the Stilt-Man. and embarked on a lite of crime. I lowever. his ertbrts were regularly foiled by Darli >kvil. After many defeats. and having become a laughing stock among the criminal element.
Day imended giving up his costumed identity, but found himself pullcd back into the criminal underworld. I ronically. the only horo over whom the Stilt-Man has repeatedly triumphed is the Amazing Sfmdfk-Man, whom hes bested on •it least two occasions! TB
Boru in an alternate reality, Stingcr is the super-powered pseudonym of Cassandra Lang. the danghter of the second A\ i M a\. Scott Lang. Cassandra combincd the powers and costume of her father with those of the Wasi*, and although / she may not have been the most powertul of Super Heroes. she demonstrated a natural aptitude for organization and leadership. With a ncw generation of heroes cmcrging, Cassandra lielped reform the Ayfnc.ERs and was in charge of the resurrccted superteam when Loki attempted to rid the world of Super Heroes. AD
FIRST APPEARANCE Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 #95 (Sopt 1967) REAL NAME Walter Newell OCCUPATION Adventurer oceanographer BASE Mobile withm Atlantic Ocean HEIGHT 6 ft 3 in WEIGHT 200 Ibs EYES Hazel HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Costume mcorporates bmlt-m rebreathing apparatus and provides enhanced stiength. the abikty to travd underwater at great speed. and to fire elecirical botts.
The US goeernment gave a seemingly impossible task to oceanographer Walter Newell: bring in Namor the Sub-Marincr for questioning.
Newell designed a revolutioiury submersible suit and actually succeedcd in his task. in the process becoming the adventurer Stingray. Subsequent adventures saw* him fighting the Atlantean wariord Attuma. and becoming a rescrve member of the Avi .\c; Newell is part-timc Super Hero at hest. preferring to concentrate on his scientirtc research. dw
After serving as one of New York s Finest for 25 years. Marcus Stone was ready to retire. His marriage to his childhood sweetheart was in trouble because he kept bringing his police work liome with him. Stone knew the timc had come to choose betwecn his job and his wifc. On what should havc bcen his last day, he stumblcd upon a battle between the mightyTHOK and Ulik the uncompierable rock troll. After Thor fcll, Stone pursued Ulik and managed to arrest him. 1 laving proved thar normal cops can handle super-nienaccs. Stone was latcr assigned to head up
Tv Stone and Tony Stark were childhood ftiends, thongh they often competed when it came to sports. girls, and grades.Thcir parents were business rivals and Stark ’s father eventually dane Stone*s to the verge of bankruptcy.
Still pretending to be Stark s friend,
Stone vowed to get rcvenge. He planted news stories that tarnished Stark s reputation. stole Stark s girlfriend, Rumiko Fujikawa, and attempted to takc over Stark Industries.To draw Iron Man into action. Stone hired the Radioac iivf.
Man as his bodyguard and fakcd his own kidnapping. I le also tried to trap Stark within a world of virtual reality, but Stark escaped; Stone is no w trapped in the prison he intended for his rival. t