FIRST APPEARANCE Aveogers Vol. 1 *32 (S«ptemb«r 1966)
REAL NAME WilUam Fostar
OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE Los Angeles
HEIGHT 6 tt 10 in WEIGHT 200 lł» EYES Brown HAIR 8lack
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Could grow n we up to a
maximum hetght ol 25 ft; gained proportional strength as h<s size
I )r. I Iank Pym (the first Am-Man) discovcrcd how to me his "Pym particie*” to inerease his si/e and bccamc the tirst Ckm-Man.His lab assistam. Bill Toster, duplicated the growth serum and bccame a i rimefighter with I )r. Pym’s cncouragemcnt.
Foster bccamc Black Goliath,
•md leli victim to radiation tighring Atom-Smasher. He laccr bccamc the sccond CiiAN i-Man, and SPIDtu-Wonian (Jessic.i Drew) curcd his radiation sickness with a blood transfusion. Foster lost his sizc-changing abilitics in the proccss. though they havc returned sporadically. DW
FIRST APPEARANCE New Mut.mts *96 (February 1991)
REAL NAME C. door OCCUPATION CEO oł Ophrah Indu*."*** BASE Oenver, Colorado
HEIGHT 6fl8m WEIGHT 265 to. EYES (tao HAIR Green SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Mutant abtty !o dupficate tbe -.uperhuman powars of otherm by afcgnmg Nmself with thetr enargy signatum He atoo had a greally extended Ifmpan.
A member of the long-lived mutaiits who cali tliemsclves the Externai.s. Gideon was a power broker who called the halls of big business his natural habitat. Utterly corrupt.
(Iideon attempted to take Roberto I fiCosta. the New Mutant known os Si nspot. u lider his wing, and tum him into his protćge. However his attempts to turn Sunspot into an H\tcrnal like himsclf met with failure. and hc soon turned his attentions to other pursuits. Gideon was *ubscqucntly slain by the Extcrnal wimpire Selcnc, who lud embarked on a vendetta igainst her fellowr lxternak. TB
FIRST APPEARANCE OaredewS Vol 1 »18 (Jufy 1966)
REAL NAME Me<vm Potter OCCUPATION Ex-cnm*al
BASE New York City
HEIGHT 6 fl 6 >n WEIGHT 300 Ibs
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILJTIES SłoUed athlete and combatant; wore armored suit with saw blades *n gauntiets.
When Foggy Nelson rented a Dauh>k:vii outłit firom Melvin Potter s costume shop, Potter agreed to dress up like a SuperVillain to ambush Fogg\. But Potter aci|uia*d a taste lor crime. becoming the Gladiator and serving with Hi h i kos Emissaries of Evil and the Magcia. Aft er numerom defeats, usually at the hands of Daredevil. (Gladiator reformed and married. and now has a young dauglucr. He still owns the Spotlight Costume Shop. Mclvin Potter is not to be confuscd with the alien Gladiator who leads the Shi*ak Imperial Guard. O W
Glenn, Heather
FIRST APPEARANCE Voł 1 *126 (October 1976)
REAL NAME Heather Glenn
OCCUPATION Secrot.yy. owner of Gwnn Industnei (afler her father-* death) BASE New York Oty
The iLnighter of Maxwell Glenn. owner of Glenn Industries,
Heather became romantically involveil witli lawyer Matthcw Murdock. Zebediah Killgrave. the Pluci f Man. uscd his mind-controlling powers to force
Maxwc!l Glenn to commit crimes. Murdock prosccuted Maxwell Glenn. who killcd himself. Heather blamed Murdock for her fathers death; slie then discovcrvd that he was the criinelighter Darei»evu . Heather and Murdock werc reconciled but. w bile drunk. Heather revealed l)aredevils idcntity to his enemy Tarkington Brown. When Murdock brokc up with 1 icathcr. she committed suicidc. as her father had. PS
FIRST APPEARANCE -credzie Hu* *121
REAL NAME Joe Timms OCCUPATION Petty lh*ef; swamp
creatufO BASE Ftonda Everglades
HEIGHT 6 fl 6 in WEIGHT 900 «* EYES Brown HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Supertiumanly slrong. the Globus mulated swampy body can witftstana severo attacks; enhancod speed and stamina; not partie utarły miefcigent
Escaping prison to be with his dying wife.Joe Timms fled into the Florida Everglades only to drown in the marshes. Decades later the Hui k accidcmally spilt radioactive waste tliere and Timms was resurrected as the swamp-like crcaturc. the Glob. Mistaking Betty Ross (*r Ban.nlk. Bi i i y) for his wife. the Glob battled the I lulk for her. He was morę than a inatcli for the cmcrald ogrc-cvery blow the Hulk struck inerely sank into the Globs muddy body. Realising the radioactiw marsh might hurt Betty. the Glob gavc her up. disappearing into the swamp. w herc sonie say he walks to (his day. AD
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FIRST APPEARANCE IncrodiWo Hulk *191 (Soptsmber 1975)
REAL NAME Thomas G«Jeon
OCCUPATION A«ypr-t.aedreiar' !^i*p*r BASE Known univorv> HEIGHT 5 ft 9 m WEIGHT 155 Ibs EYES Pink HAIR Orango
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Gtonan can control Ucbyons. •mai sp—d-oM-ght partiom, lomwng in®m nto ranbow-sbapad bndgm atłowmg nim to travet across worids or star systoms at ligfil spoed Hn can ateo montally rodofino smal pockots of ronlity lor short penods of bma.
Thomas Gideon and his parents wcrc Hying in a privatc jet when it was cauglit in the cxplosion of a Russian nuclear test.Thomas alonc survivcd radiation poisoning, thauks to the Shaper oi- W< >ulds. who taught Thomas, now called Glorian. to nunipulate rcality and drcaim. ()n Earth. Glorian was saved Iw the Hulk trom the demon Satannish. Glorian later aidcd Generation X when tlicy werc lost at se3. mt