FIRST APPEARANCE The Rampag.rtg Huk *1 (January 1977)
REAL NAME Simon Maddicks
HEIGHT 6 ft 5 In WEIGHT ?50 Ibs EYES Brown HAIR Brown
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Posesses enhanced strength and
abifcty to fly. Wears braedots with titamum talons and powor-btasters that fire doctricaJ bdts of concussive lorce
id only włth his trademark sworrist, Kiraven facos jairtst u fwrde ol alten warriott, ĆKhfciting the cocky igo mat won him famę r the gladiator pits.
Lfee his adversary Iron Man, Kitor Shrtko woars arroor. Iw coslume w a iiead-lo-toe batttesuit composed of stoci a*oy mosh that can resisi smal-aftTO fire.
FIRST APPEARANCE Amazing Adventures Vol 1 *18 (May 1973)
REAL NAME Jonathan Raven
OCCUPATION Freedom fighter BASE Mobile
HEIGHT 0ft1m WEIGHT 185 tos EYES Biue HAIR Red
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES An expert combatant and swordsman
vkt» eon tako motta! contro! of a Mfftłartfe body A naturai leader who
has keen survrval Instincts surted for a post-apoc-ałyptic wortd.
In an altcrnate timeline. Martian invaders conquered Earth in the year 2001.The Martians forced many of the survivors to battłe in gladiatorial pits, where Jonathan Raven first won łanie as“Killraven." Keeper Whitman. a scientist employed by the Martians but secretly working against thcm, was given the task of rehabilitating Killrawn following an unsuccessful escape attcmpt.Whitman genetically modified Killrawn giving him the ability to seize mental control of his Martian mastcrs. Killraven led a team of Freemen in a cross-country trek. striking out against the Martian owrlords while searching for his łosi brother. DW
Former soldier Simon Maddicks worked as a mercenary before becoming a covcrt operatiw for the Koxxon Oil company. The mutagenies laboratory of the Brand Corporation, Roxxon*s subsidiary, boosted Maddicks’ strength to superhuman levels and implamcd an anti-gravity generator at the base of his spinc, which cnablcd him to fly.
Roxxon assigned Maddicks, in his new costumcd idendty of Killer Shrike. to intiltratc the cabal callcd the Conspiracy. This mission led to his defeat by the monster hunter Ulysscs Bloodstone.
Ewmually Killer Shrike bccanie a free agent, liiring out his services or committing crimes on his own. Iii the course of his criminal career. he has battled the Super Heroes Spider-Man, Moon Knight. and the Shf-Hui k. PS
FIRST APPEARANCE Thor *136 (January 1967)
REAL NAME O. Koith Kinkaid
OCCUPATION Med cai doctor BASE Califomia
HEIGHT 5 fi 7 in WEIGHT 155 ib® EYES Bluo HAIR Blond
SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Dr. Keith Kincaid «s a normal human
wtth no superhuman powers Me possesses the normal degroo of
physica) fitness ot a man ot htt ago and wo»ght.
Following the temporary transformation ofTium. s mortal lovcJanc Poster into a goddess by Odin (sec Gods oi Asgard) and her defeat at the h.mds of the Unknown (a formless creature composed of living fear), Odin returned her to Earth.Jane had no memory of eitherThor or his alter ego Dr. Donald Blake. Poster went to work for Dr. Keith Kincaid. She tell in love with Kincaid, whose personality and appcarancc were virtually idcntical to Blake s.They married and had a son named Kcvin. As it turncd out, Odin had originally uscd Kincaid as the model for the Don Blake persona he created as a punishment for Thor. TB
FIRST APPEARANCE Tomb of Dracula #25 (October 1974)
REAL NAME Hannbd Kmg
OCCUPATION Private lnvest>gator BASE Boston. M.issacbuselts HEIGHT 6 tt 2 m WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Has all of tho abil.tios typłcal to a vampire. but prefers noc to use them due to hts sdf-loathing about
his condition.
A low-rent private investigator, 1 King was slain by the vampire Deacon Frost and three days later rosę from the dead himsclf a vampire. Repulsed by his new condition, Kings force of will was so strong that he refrained from feasting on human blood. Rcsuming his career as a private eye, albcit one who only operated at niglit, King clashed with the vampire lord Dracula, which brought him into the sphere of the man callcd Blade, who had his own grievances against Deacon Frost.Togetber. the two men tracked Prost to his lair. and ended his mcnacc forever.Thereafter, King and Blade formalizcd their Professional relationship, becoming the Nightstalkers, dcdicated to hunting down and .•radicating supernatural evil. TB