FIRST APPEARANCE Amnzing SpxJer-Man #83 (April 1970)
REAL NAME Richard Fisk
OCCUPATION . nrrunaJ mastermind BASE New York City HEIGHT ił« 2 Bi WEIGHT 175fcS EYES Blue HAIR Reddishblond SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Had the normal strengtti of a man wbo eogages in regular moderate exeroee. was a cuming cnrrynal strategrst
Richard Fisk was devotcd to his father Wilson— until he learned that Wilson Fisk was the Kingpin. Fsychologically shattered, Richard secretly became a criminal leader himself. the Schemer. to take revenge on his father. As the Schemer. Richard disguised himself with a face mask that madę him look like much older. Subscquendy Richard became liead of a Las Vegas fragment of Hydra. Still later, Richard took on two morę masked identitics, the original Rosę and the Blood Rosę. Ultimatcly Richard was shot dead by his own mother.Vanessa. PS
Mac Donald ‘Mac" Gargan OCCUPATION Assassm-tor-hire BASE
New York City
HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 220 IbS EYES Brown HAIR Brown
1 )r. Farley Stillwcll had developed a method ofgwing anunals the attributes of other creatures. When newspaper editorJ.Jonah Jamhson found out. he asked StillweU to test it out on a humaji gumca pig.a pnvate imesugator named Mac Gargan.
Stillwells amazing procedurę gave (.iargan the srrength and agility of a seorpion. StillweU aiso prwided hun with a speoally designed mcchanical taił.
Nothing comes without a price and the cost to Gargan—now calling himself the Seorpion—was the łoss of his yanity. Contracted to put an end to Spioer-Man. it was only by his wits that the wallcrawler defeated the hugely powerful, and vcngeful Scorpioti. Since then, Seorpion has hecomc an assassin-for-hire. his mternmtcnt atteinpts to defeat Spider-Man bemg repcatedly foiled.
In recent times. Seorpion became the latest SupcrVillain to merge with theVFNOM syinbiote.
AIthough Seorpion has dispensed with his tatl. this development has madę him moro deadly than over. AD
Amazing Spkter-Man *20 (January 1965)
Slrengtfc groaler than Spider-Manto; mochanicał tai can be usod as bludgoon or to propet Seorpion 30ftrtoair Tai has also been eqvapped with o loxin *stng‘ and a mechanism to liro etectric blasts.
Scratch, Nicholas
FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four *186 (August 1977)
REAL NAME Nicholas Scratch OCCUPATION Wariock BASE New Salem. Cotorado HEIGHT -i ft 3 in WEIGHT 196 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Black with white slreaks SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Nicholas Scratch possesses an encyclopedic knowledge ot magical mcantations and lorę and a wido array of sorcerous abiiities
The son of Agatha Harkness, ihc witch-wonian who became governess to Franklin Richards. Nicholas Scratch grew up to bc leader of the witches of New Salem. Scratch com inced his followers that Agatha had betrayed their existence to the outside world. and that she must be executed for this act of treason. Wlien Agatha and Franklin were abducted, the Fantastic Four came to the reseue. Scratch and his most devoted followers, Salem*s Seven. vainly sought revcngc on the Fantastic Four and Agatha. He is now a servant of the demon Dokmammu. TB
Seorpion tonlrols his taił ria a cybernelie link with his oum spinał eolumn. He fan whip his taił at 90 mph.
The Seorpion steel-mesh costume is bułtatprooł. Gach hand is equlpped with ptneors.