40064 TME"8

40064 TME"8

Pratt, Agent


FIRST APPEARANCE Incredfclo Hulk Vol 3. *40 (July 2002)

REAL NAME Agent Pratt

OCCUPATION Agent for ctanOestme organisatton BASE Mobile HEIGHT/WEIGHT/EYES Urvevealed HAIR Nonę SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Body abie to regenerate itself as a resutt ot H Section Programming: njection ot Hulk błood endowed him wlth Hulk-like powers.

Prester, John


FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four Vtol. 1 *54 (Septembor 1966)

REAL NAME Prester John

OCCUPATION 1raveler BASE Traveler

HEIGHT 6 tt 1 in WEIGHT 210 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Red

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES SMIod swordsman: a weapon

called the Evtl Eye allowed him to tire energy biasts. generate (orce

f>eWs, and rearrange matter.

Princess Python


FIRST APPEARANCE Amazing SpKler-Man Vol. 1 *22 (March 1965)


OCCUPATION Snake charmer. Professional cnmuial BASE Mobile HEIGHT 5 ft 8n WEIGHT 140t>s EYES Green HAIR Red-brown SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can contro! hor tramed rock python; somebmes carnes an oleclnc prod.

FIRST APPEARANCE Detenders Vol. 1 #52 (Octobor 1977)

REAL NAME Sergoi Krytov

OCCUPATION Supervi: lałn BASE Mobile

HEIGHT 6ft0ln WEIGHT 200 tos EYES Yeltow HAIR Nonę

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Body produces krthal radiation

wtiich can be harnessod as fllght. onorgy biasts. force fields.

enhanced strength. or telepathy.

Whcn lit* firn met Bruce Banncr, this ruthless operative was posing as an FBI agent. In trutli lie belongetl to the sinister, clandcsrinc organisation Home Base.After forcing Banncr to change into the Hui k, Pratt obtained a sample of his blood. but a police otłicer snatchcd it and. plunging it into Pratt s own bloodstream, causcd him to exp!ode. Pratt s H Section Programming enabled his body to

regenerate itself. and be soon returned to taunt Banner again.This time the Hulk cmcrgcd to tear Pratt’s body apart. ad

Sergci Krvlov. a nuclear physicist who became an important player in Russian politics. sought to further inerease his power by subjecting himself to experimental radiation. I Ic succcedcd in bestowing himself with radioactwc energy deadly to unprotcctcd persons in his presence, and which could also be used to control the minds of others.The Presence used his powers to brainwash l)r.Tania Belinskya (the Rfi> Guardian) into becoming his partner. Driven by his megalomania, he became a foe of the Dkfhni)i-.k.s and Quasar. His children are Darkstar a nd VANC.UARJ i. DW

Prester John. monarch of a 12th-century Christian kingdom in Asia. came to the aid of Richard the Lion-Heart during the Crusades. I Ic then traveled around the world befon* discovcring the fabled isle of Avalon. Wliile he was there, a plaguc struck Avalon and lcft him the sole survivor. Prester John entered a period ofsuspcnded animation seated in the Chair of Survival. Ałter reawakening in the modern era. Prester John has crossed paths with Super Hcrocs including the Faniastic Four and Cabll. He carries the powerful Stcllar Rod, a weapon retashioned łrom the Evil Eyc. DW

FIRST APPEARANCE New Wamors Vbi 1 *4 (Octobor 1990) REAL NAME Heidi P. Franklin

OCCUPATION Professional crimmal BASE Sayyiiie. Long łsland HEIGHT 5 fl 6 in WEIGHT 120 ** EYES Brown HAIR SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Can manipulato the pteasure

centers of the brain. parteularty «n men. and create whips and othor weapons from soltdified psionic energy

Princess Python is a snake charmer who possesses an uncanny rapport with her pet rock python. Shc has traincd the snake to auack on her command. Princess Python served with the Circus op Crimo as well as its second incarnation, the Masters of Menace, before going on to pursue a solo carecr. She was distr.iuglu when ber original python died in a pool of acid during a schemc to cxtort money from Iron MAN.but has sińce actjuired sever.il replaccmcnts.

Princess Python briefly joincd the merccnarics of the Slrpln i Sck il i y. However. she deserted her teanimates during a mission to assassinate MonoK.and as a result the Serpent Society expellcd hor after brainwashing her to remove Society secrcts from her incmory. DW

A former exotic danccr. I leidi Franklin gained the ability to influence the sexual drives of others through her association with GeneTech. a sinister genetic

rescarch facility in Long Island, New York. Shc also became capable of transforming psionic energy into a selcction of diflerem weapons.

Under the name Pretty Persuasions. Franklin joincd with other psionically-gifted individuals to form Psionew GeneTech s villainous cnforccmcnt squad.Thc group frcqucntly battled the NewWarriors, and later became a squad of crime-fighting New York vigilantes. DW

Pretty Persuasions



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