FIRST APPEARANCE Joumey m«o Mystery *96 <Nov*mto*c

REAL NAME K«*rt Vbom#e*

OCCUPATION Cwał 8ASE Manhattan, lormtrty th* S*rp*nt CtK&t <n N«w York SUfc- MEK5HT 5 *10 in WEICHT 1«0 *» EYES BA* KAIR Nor*


tor** car perlorm tuparTxxr*n coołc*t<c*i *•

KljusVoorhw oikc workcd in Indu as the assistant to a scicntist who was conducting rescarih into antidotes for snake venom. Voorhccs fatally poisoned thc soentist. but was hunself bittcn Iw an irradiated cobra I łut cobra s vcnom and an expeninentjl ancidote radkraDy mutated Voorheev As thc Cobra, Voorhccs was tirst defćated bv thc thundcr godTlIOR.As partner* in crimc thc Cobra and Mister Hyim havc repeatedly hattlcdThor and I )ari jevii .The Cebra has also joincd other snakc-thcmed criminals in thc Serpent Squad and Sfrpfnt S<h ii lY.Shortly after assunnng łcaderslnp of thc Socicty, hc changed Ins naine to King Cobra. PS


FIRST APPEARANCE Av«ng*r* Vol 1 $29 (Jun$ 1966*


HEKłMT 64*. 2tn WEIGHT 4501* EYES Wh*e HAIR W**e SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITiES Immortetóy, pwcognOoo and Weoeihy. cen meftpuiat* cownc *o#rgy :o chan®* h* w» and ahapa: Tamporal AaaaMator p*m*ts ttm# twel

One ofthc immortal Elhers oi iiit Uniyekm . thc Collector foresaw thc destruction ofall lite b\

THanus, and began to collcct spccimcns for futurę rcpopulation. I Ic was slam by Korv.v . but returned to hfc when the (i RANI >was i lr. a fdlow I Ider. won a contcst with Death.The C ollcctor bnefly hcld thc Realny Ciem. but lost lt to Thanos w ho sought it for thc Intiimy Gaunclct. Rcccntly. the ('ollcctor allowcd thc Brethren to mvadc Łarth. hopmg to collect survivors from thc rcduccd popuiation. DW

HEIGHT 7 fł 5«n (armored) WEIGHT 500 Ibs (armored) EYES Boe

HAIR Biond


Gtant Sae X-M*n »1 (1975)



Piotr Nikołatavitch Raspotm 0 OCCUPATION —i Adventurer 0 BASE

O Professor X’s Schód for Gifted Youogsters. Salem Center. New York

Mul** abiNy tochengohs bod,s koeuo mto an organc. matanal Tha gwea Cdoeeus Mperhuman strongth hc can ttt a? tooał 70 tond and protects h*n kom tnjjry

In ormond form CoIossms rtloins his drgnę of mohility, hut his enJur.ttuc otul spttd ort greoter.

Ihotr Rasputin was born and raised on a Soviet cottcctivc farm in Kussia. His mutant powem tiist cmcrgcd during his adolesccncc, and at first he was contcnt to use his great strength and invulncrability to help his fellow farmm on thc colk*aivc. His armored form added 11 inches to hi* nonnai hcight and doubled his natural weight-When Pw hssor X organized a new teatn of mutant* to help Inni rcscuc Ins original team of X-Men fioni the sentient idami known as Krakoa. hc contacted Rasputin and asked htm tojoin The young Russian agreed to lcave his natiw land and accompany Xavicr to thc US. Traming ar thc X Mens mansion. Rasputin was giccn thc codc namc Colossus. I Ic then hclpcd Professor X s other new reeruits in their batdc with Krakoa.When thc battlc was oser. Rasputin dccidcd to rcmain in thc US as a member of thc X-Men MT



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