66783 TME3

66783 TME3


FIRST APPEARANCE Marvet Two-ln-One H47 (January 1979) REAL NAME Samuel "Slarr" Saxon

OCCUPATION Robot maker. prolesstonal cnminal BASE Mobile HEIGHT 6 ft 1 in WEIGHT 295 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Bald SPECIAL POWERSMBILITIES A livmg Computer program. h«s r.onsciousness can be piaced into multiple robot bodies which ,ipproximate human belngs

With lo« Cumlng tho Fantasbc Rxir are aknos? duped Into dofeat





Cnminal mastermind



Master robot builder Starr S.ixon buill robots for criminals. Wlien Dakhhwii defeated one of his robots. Saxon J souglu reeenge. but died during tbe ‘ # battle. One of' bis robots, following / its progrannning, took Saxons body back to liis workshop and tramferred his brain patterns into a robotu body. On recovery. $axon replaced tliis i body wieli a luunan-looking one.

1}    Calling biniself Machinesinitli. be

, i resunied bis career ofbuilding robots i for tbe underworld. He bas eonie Jy into conflict witli SHIELD and ■ Captain America. I le now exists ^B as a Computer program which can ^B be placcd into robot bodics. mt

HEIGHT 5 ft 11 m WEIGHT 195 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Brown

FIRST APPEARANCE .s Baxtor) Anwmg Adventures vol. 2 913 Uuly 1972); (aa Mad-Dog) Dolonders 9125 (November 1983)

REAL NAME Robert *8uh" Baxler

OCCUPATION Cnminal. retred US Air For co Cołonel BASE Mob«le HEIGHT 6 ft 2 in WEIGHT 270 Ibs EYES Blue HAIR Biue SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Possesses superbuman strength. •jmeil and hearing, Enhanced speod and agility. Has hoflow fangs

which socrote poison to which he is immune.

absence to euter tbe Baxter • Building and steal Reed Richards’ imentions. Manufacturing superbuman androids based J >\ on diards’ design* be used theni

IjjL, ' mfA ' t0 ^ ^aiU ,stK ^our

eeentuality. Once tbe Circuit    ^

acttvated .ill lin- roboto bec.imc    ’ ■

..iis,ii'k ii. Snu i    tbe M.id

i :::: i k. •:    :    I /    /    ,/ A

timin IM IM.:; bul lw li..'

1 . ' wKmy


Fantastic Four Vol. 1 *15 (June 1963)

Briisam crimma! mind Oeated a way 1o praject liis mind i into an android body to contmoe cnminal k actryitias m his ^ absonoo.

In tlie comics sbe wrote. Dorothy Walker based hor characters on ber daughter Patsy and Patsy s friend “Buzz” Baxtcr.Aftcr tbe real Patsy and Baxter graduated front liigb scliool, tbey married and Baxter joined the Air Force. As a security i onsulrant for tbe Brand

<Corporation, Baxtcr    H «.

liunted the mutant


I Ifli i ai . W hen Brand captured the Avi..\(;lrs, I Iellcat forced    / \

B.ixter to Irce theni. Baxtcr    / \ !/ N i


>ils Mutagenics Department    \A\J

di.it gave bim superbuman powers.Tbus Baxtcr became

i 1 ><>g. who bas b.ittled not ^^B

’t'lv Hellcat. but also otber    ^B

tumed advcnturers. ps    W    1






1 w bo arraJd of that Sen'

The Android hao the power of Minicrg uilt into it - It's turniruj Into

-- YOU1

The Mad T>unker’s Ust robole crsation. tho Awesome Android, could emiiatc certain Su por Heroos. ovho mimeking tho rocky epidomró of tho Ttwig.


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