54570 TME$9

54570 TME$9


FIRST APPEARANCE The Incrwfcbte Hutk vol. 1 *343 (May 1986

REAL NAME Samuel J. Laroquette


HEIGHT 6 fi WEIGHT Unreyealed

EYES Brown HAIR Black

SPECIAL POWERS/ABIUTIES Able to shape his rock-like -Koskeleton into any form he imagmes


A former exp!orcr, Sam Larocjuette became a member of the Hulkbusters at a timc when the Hui.k had becn separated from Bruce Ban ner. Later reeruited by would-be world concjueror the Leader. Laroquctte rcceivcd treatments tliat cncased him in a mcklike substancc rcsponsive to his mental commands.As Rock, he went into action against the I Iulk alongside his tellów operative RLDnc.MER.The stone projections Rock crcatcd by reshaping his e\oskeleton provcd to be one of the few things capable of puncturing the Hulks tough skin.The Rock has sińce worked alongside the U-Foks and the Rioi Squai>. O W

As a girl. the mutant called Rogue lived ni Mississippi. Orphaned, Rogue ran away and was adopted by Mystkjuf and Dfminy. Rogues mutant power manifested itself when she kissed her frieiuł Cody Robbins, imolumarily

absorbing his mcmorics. In her teens, Rogue ^nd .    . .    ....

-i t. ,^1 hk. i<></<*•*:. Rogue joined Mystiques terrorist group.

iMsM;*voi    Brothfrhood oi Evil Mutants.

After fightmg the original Ms. Marcel, Rogue had superhuman strength, durability. and the power of fiight. Distraught over her inability to control her absorption power. Rogue turned to her enemies. the mutant X-Mhn. for lielp. Iiwited by Profcssor Xavier (sec Proi essor X) tojoin them, she fell in love with Gambit.

Rogue later joined the spin-ofFteam. the X-Tfeme X-Men. She lost her superhuman powers but regained her absorption power and has rejoined the X-Mcn. Rogue recently (and apparcntly perinanemly) absorbed the power of Sum iri. to absorb and discharge solar energy. PS





Former terrorist, now adventurer BASE

The Xavier Institute. Salem Center. New York State

HEIGHT 5 ft 8 in WEIGHT 120 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Brown


Avengers Annual *10 (1981)


Rocket Racer

Rogue has 3 tri king wbite strraks in her lonjf hair

Mutani eWrty to absort) the memones. knowteógo. talcnts. personokty. and pbysical abilties of anoiher person through płiyscd contact with them.

F,RST APPEARANCE Amazing Spider-Man *172 (Soptember 1977) REAL NAME Roborl Farrell OCCUPATION Student BASE New York City HEIGHT 5 ft 10 m WEIGHT 160 tos EYES Brown HAIR Black SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Rides jet-powered. skatoboard to wtiich boots aro magnolically atlached: mim-rockets on głoves can tear hol os m threo-inch thick Steel.

The eldest of seven children. Robert Farrell bec.mie responsiblc for his younger siblings when his mocher died. Robert was a scicndfic prodigy. and when he realiscd he couldn t earn cnough to support his family. he turned to a life of crinie.

I le devcloped a superpowered skatoboard which was eybernetically controlled by cmde device, and. wearing a wcapon-ec|iiipped costumc, became the Rocket Racer. Repeatcd defeats i' the hands of Simder-Man and wwr.il brushes with the law, including a short jail sentence, convinced Robert to reform. He has sińce gained a wholarship to Empire si ite University and even •‘•'Sists Spider-Man ,roin linie to tinie. ad


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